Activities at Reigate Beaumont Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising and delivering a fun mix of activities and events chosen by the residents here at Reigate Beaumont. We work closely with the local community who get involved in all kinds of activities within the home. We enjoy all kinds of events which could be anything from trips out to local places of interest in our minibus or visits from entertainers and musicians, spending time in our beautiful gardens, or providing great activities for the mind body and soul. We liaise with local churches and regularly hold multi-congregational services at the home.

It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as possible, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join with activities and invite them to our regular events. We also have a variety of volunteers who really enjoy spending time within the home too.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Karyn Borngräber

Activities Coordinator

Each resident is unique and as an Activity Coordinator, I aim to create meaningful activities whereby residents can feel at home. From quizzes to games, stretch classes to flower arranging, reminiscing to enjoying our beautiful gardens. From musicians to Namaste sessions, outings, intergenerational and community involvement – a balanced activity program of body, mind and soul allows each resident to feel as if they have purpose and meaning in their lives. As well as sitting and having meaningful one to one engaged conversation or holding your loved ones hand – can allow a resident to feel that Reigate Beaumont is their home. With a background as a Healthcare Assistant, we are taught to provide person centred care. This has helped me to provide person centred activities.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Reigate Beaumont Care Home

VE Day Memories

The month of May was full of celebrations for The Coronation, but some residents still felt it was still important to reflect on VE Day. One resident in particular, shared with residents and staff her memories of being a child during the war. She showed a photo of herself and two other children, which was taken the day the war ended and where the children in the area were given a street party. She also shared a letter which she received at school a month later, on 8th June 1946. It was a letter from King George VI, addressed to all the boys and girls at school and spoke about celebrating a victory.

Outing to the Mayor's Office

Residents were invited by the Mayor of Reigate & Banstead for a visit recently to their offices. Residents were able to learn about the heritage of the Grade II listed building, including about how procedures have changed over the years for the Mayor. We were all in awe of the beautiful architecture. Residents had a lovely time and enjoyed a warm cup of tea and delicious cake with the Mayor. 

Age & Dancing has no limits

All we need is a little bit of music, and our fantastic staff turn our lounge into a dance floor! This is a common sight when residents and staff are together in the lounge and there is a musician around. We notice the tapping of feet and that is the sign to get up and dance!!! It is so lovely to see happy faces from residents and staff alike.

Working together as a team!

Residents had a busy morning in the lounge before the community egg hunt. All the 80 plastic eggs either had a little yellow chick in, or an Easter sticker which the children were able to keep for themselves. Also, the party packs needed filling up. So many hands make light work and staff and residents working together as a team is a great thing to witness!

Family is key!

Family is about supporting, loving and caring for one another. Having a sense of belonging, being valued and respected. When family members move into Reigate Beaumont, it’s an extension of that initial meaning of family. But just with a bigger group of many more family members! What truly makes our home unique, is that we cherish our residents, and their families are an extension of them. We cherish them to! Thank you to all the family members, that support us, in supporting your loved one.

Supporting Residents Wishes

There are always daily activities going on at Reigate Beaumont. But sometimes residents just want to do something else on the spur of the moment. Something that they were able to do whilst still living at home and with ease, without thinking about it. Especially if they were always out hiking, walking or on canoeing trips. Taking the time to spend quality moments with our residents is what our staff love doing.