Meet the West Oak Care Home Team
Our staff are what hold the home together. Each one of these team members are dedicated to providing high quality care and services to those we support, and ensuring that residents enjoy all aspects of life at our home. See below to meet some of our friendly faces:

Simona Cioinac
Hello. My name is Simone and I am the General Manager here at West Oak. Welcome to our website.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love to see prospective residents, families and friends, new members of staff and the local community taking an interest in our community.
My role is to ensure that we deliver what we say we do. I am responsible for overall service delivery to our residents and community, inspiring and leading the team and to ensure high standards of governance and compliance are achieved.
I trained as a nurse in Italy, and worked there for 20 years in that capacity. The last 7 years before leaving Italy I had the privilege of serving the public healthcare sector through managing and leading frontline hospital services. In 2017 I came to the UK and joined the NHS, which I was particularly proud of. I have learnt a great deal from these colleagues along my career journey.
I truly believe in the values of responsibility, integrity, kindness, compassion and doing what I can for others. The care sector has afforded me the opportunity to ‘live’ these values in the workplace, for which I am truly grateful.
After serving in the NHS I was immediately drawn to Barchester because of the culture and principles the organisation aspires to.
I am now passionately working with the community and my team here at West Oak to take the home’s services forward. My team and I are fully committed to embedding the Barchester Values: RESPECT, INTEGRITY, PASSION, EMPOWERMENT and RESPONSIBILITY.
My door is always open to the community, family, residents and staff: do not hesitate to come and talk to me should you need anything or if I can assist in any way.
Thank you for your interest in our lovely home.

Liviu Cornea
Hello, my name is Liviu Mugurel Cornea and I am the Deputy Manager at West Oak Care Home.
I qualified in 2004 and I started my journey as a nurse in Accident & Emergency unit for 3 years, where I learned how precious life is. I wanted to grow and get better at what I was doing and decided to train and work as a paramedic, which I did for 11 years. I truly enjoyed that time and I done my best to assist everyone in medical need.
I came to UK and I start working for a smaller company, in Swindon, where I came to love caring for the residents living with Dementia and Alzheimer. Putting a smile on someone’s face or giving them reassurance when in distress is something which will always make me love this job.
I joined Barchester in 2019, as Clinical Lead, at Austen House Care Home, our sister home in the area and I really enjoyed my time there. I moved to West Oak in 2021, for a more senior position and I love this place. I also completed NVQ level 5 in Health and Social care and one day I hope to become a general manager.
I like to spend time on the units, on daily basis, to engage with our wonderful residents and staff, to ensure smooth and proper handovers between staff, in the morning and trough out the day. I like to think I am passionate about my job and alongside with the staff we will try to deliver the highest standards of care to our residents, so they could live their lives to the fullest.

Alice Perez
Alice joined the West Oak family in March as the Head of Unit for Cedars. Alice is an RGN with many years of experience in the care home industry.
Alice is passionate about the residents and she ensures that they receive the highest possible standard of care so that they can live their lives to the fullest.

Ioan Tanasa
My name is Ioan, and I am the administrator of West Oak Care Home. Attitude makes the difference the motto that leads my way of life. Entrusted by this belief, I have decided to develop my professional skills and, as a result, I have completed a business management program.
My previous work experiences revealed a responsible person with a natural ability to adapt to new teams and develop trustful relationships. Willing to move on to the next chapter of my professional growth and eager to add new skills, I joined Barchester at the beginning of September. I am pleased to see the amount of hard work done by the entire team and company, and I am proud to be a part of this.

Dawn Davies & Helen Fagan
Dawn and Helen are at the centre of all the activities here at West Oak. They provide an interesting and varied activities schedule and ensure that there is something for everyone. They are passionate about the importance of activities and will go that extra mile just for a smile or a raised eyebrow, whether it's one-to-one time or a group session, inside or out, fun is had by all.

Antony Walker
Hi, my name is Tony and I am the Head Of Maintenance here at West Oak Barchester.
After serving 15 years in the military I decide it was time to take on a new challenge and to leave the Armed forces. Since leaving 4-5 years ago I have found a very rewarding role in assisting those who need our support.
My role is here at West Oak is to provide a safe and happy environment for loved your ones.

Mohammad Sajjad
Mohammad has worked at West Oak since 2014. He was promoted to Head Housekeeper in 2020 and was proud to accept the role.
Mohammad is very dedicated to his work and understands the importance of maintaining the high standards of cleanliness within the home. Mohammed is very approachable and goes the extra mile to help both Residents and Staff in any way he can

Hayley Palmer
Welcome to West Oak. I am Hayley, and I am the administrator assistant. I am originally from South Africa and joined West oak in March 2022. Previously I was a support worker and also a hairdresser. My personal mission statement is to do my best to promote kindness.

Alison and Beverley
Our Mum joined Memory Lane in July 2020. We are regular visitors who try to be as involved as possible with Mum’s West Oak home and extended family.
Between us we’ve had several loved ones living in residential care, so are happy to be Family & Friends Ambassadors at West Oak, using our experience to help others in the same position