The best countries to grow old in

Most countries invest a lot of time and effort into the wellbeing of children, students and adults, yet often neglect an important part of every society, older people. Countries that have developed policies that protect and care for the ageing population are usually seen to provide better quality of life in general.

If you are wondering which are the countries that provide the best conditions for the elderly, this article reveals the top scorers and answers the most important question; how did these countries get to the top?

What the research revealed

Compiling research undertaken in 96 countries, the latest report from Global AgeWatch Index lists the countries with the best conditions for older people. The countries are ranked by how well they provide for, care for, and protect their older population.

Here are the top 10 best countries in which to grow old according to the 2015 report:

  1. Switzerland
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Germany
  5. Canada
  6. Netherlands
  7. Iceland
  8. Japan
  9. United States
  10. United Kingdom

What do these countries do differently?

So what do these countries do better than those who haven’t made the list?  Global AgeWatch Index ranks the countries according to policies for health, employment, pensions, education and social environment.

This means that the top countries to grow old in make aged people feel secure and quite content with their lives. Such countries have actual development goals for ageing and wellbeing. If you are to choose a country to grow old in, pick one that offers income security and boasts happy pensioners. Poverty rates among the elderly play a big role in setting the bar for the country’s quality of life. Finally, health policies, social care, and public transport accessibility are also major factors in the rankings.

Life expectancy

The life expectancy of a country tells us a lot about its quality of life. If life expectancy is quite high, this means that the health, education and income sectors are well-developed. Therefore, a country with high life expectancy is usually a good country to retire in. For example, Switzerland who ranks first as we saw above, has a life expectancy of 82.7 years compared to the UK in position 10 with a life expectancy of 81.5 years.

General happiness and wellbeing

Social and health care, along with lifelong learning opportunities, are big wellbeing and happiness factors amongst those in later life.  Educational and recreational opportunities should be accessible and affordable for all ages with no discriminations. It is no secret that happiness and general life satisfaction can lead to a longer life.

Therefore, if you are thinking to buy a second or summer house in such a country, or retire in one of them, now you know what to look for. Choose one of the top ranking countries which recognises the needs of the ageing population and strives for their wellbeing.

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