Activities at Ashby House Care Home

Activities at Ashby House

Our Activities Coordinators are constantly striving to enrich peoples lives here at Ashby House. We stimulate people both physically and mentally by organising fun filled, group and individual activities to promote the well-being of those we support.

There are regular outings in our very own minibus and visits from PAT dog therapists, church services, musicians, dancers, and local school children. We also have our very own 'Good Life' gardening club, where we grow our own produce, which we then use in our cooking club. We also host weekly bingo sessions which are proving very popular and are growing in numbers.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Ashby House Care Home

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Hawaiian Morning

We held an Hawaiian Morning at Ashby House, even though the typical British weather wasn't quite what we hoped for. The rain didn't stop our fun - we simply moved our activities indoors. We decorated the activities lounge to look summery and tropical, with Hawaiian music playing in the background.

We all wore floral garlands to get into the tropical spirit, we shared a platter of tropical fruit, including Pineapple and oranges, and we drank refreshing mocktails. We talked about where we had been on our holidays over the years. Chris, pictured, said he had never been to Hawaii but had been to Greece many times. John had been to Hawaii with his work as an engineer on a boat, He said he went to the beach while the rest of the men went to the pub! We all enjoyed recalling our past travels.

We used our inflatable picture frame and inflatable parrot to take some fun pictures and we all had the giggles by the end of the morning including Rose, pictured, despite the lack of tropical sun.



Book Lovers' Day

Hello all bookworms! We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Book Lovers' Day on the 9th August.

In the morning we discussed our favourite books. Rose, pictured, shared that her favourite is ‘Pride and Prejudice’ because, “the story has a bit of everything and is very descriptive.” Some of our residents also read short stories and non-fiction titles, including Jean. pictured, who read The Story of the Olympics while having a cup of tea and cake.

After lunch we listened to audio books including a short story by Roald Dahl called ‘The Hitchhiker’ which is one of his more adult-themed stories. Everyone was  captivated by the narration and the voices used for the different characters.

Other residents enjoyed watching films based on books and 'Nanny McPhee’ was a big hit. We do enjoy family films at Ashby House and Chris said he can’t wait to watch another.

All the book lovers here really enjoyed being in a different place by watching, reading or listening to a well written book.




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Keeping cool at 30 degrees

Today at Ashby was another very hot day, with temperatures hitting 30 degrees. After lunch, to help everyone stay as cool and hydrated as possible, the Activities Team set up a trolley of delicious, thirst-quenching, cold drinks in a variety of flavours, and platters of fruit prepared by the kitchen team, including melon, grapes and peaches. Residents enjoyed these treats in the shade, under the parasols in the garden, with our sun cream and sun hats on. We admired the flowers, and the runner beans and peas that we have been eating with our dinners. We chatted about our own gardens over the years, what we used to grow in them, and playing in them with our families. A lovely time was had by all.


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Happy Friendship Day

Ashby House residents celebrated International Day of Friendship by reminiscing about friends old and new. Everyone really enjoyed telling us all about the the important friendships in their lives and recalling fond memories. We made some Friendship Rainbows and coloured in some pictures. Chef made us some lovely cookies to go with our afternoon cup of tea while we chatted about what made our friends so special to us. And at the end of the day, we received a lovely surprise from another Barchester care home, Collingtree Park in Northampton. They sent us a big box of assorted doughnuts, which went down a treat!


Scouts Pen Pals

During the past few months members of a local Scouts group have written to our residents. Some of the children’s letters spoke of their experience during COVID-19, including not being able to go to the park or school, and having to do school work at home. Others spoke about positive things, such as learning to ride a bike and helping their parents around the house.

Ashby House residents loved to hear and read the letters which lifted their spirits. This month we returned the favour by replying in writing and colour. John and Jim wrote about their pets back home and the relatives who are looking after them. Other residents spoke of our garden visits and their happiness at seeing their relatives again. Others described what they did before they retired and asked what the children would like to do when they leave school.

Jean particularly enjoyed decorating some cards, and Rose liked reading the cards and replying to the Scouts (both are pictured). Ashby House residents enjoyed this activity and we will try to continue a pen pal relationship. We eagerly await the Scouts' replies.


Dove Lane is a winning name at Ashby House

Ashby House general manager, Wojciech Kuczkowski, is delighted to announce that the new residential community at Ashby House is to be named Dove Lane.

This fitting name for a lovely part of our home represents peace, hope love and unity, and was suggested by Intisar, a year 9 pupil at The Hazeley Academy, in a competition we ran for children at local schools. We look forward to Intisar coming to see us later in the year when we are able to have visitors again.

Residents at Ashby House, including Jean and Christopher (pictured), took part in selecting the winning name from all the entries submitted by local children.

Congratulations, Intisar, and thank you to everyone who suggested a name - we had lots to choose from and it was a tricky decision.

Upcoming events

Dementia Cafe

Join us for our dementia cafe, enjoy cakes, refreshments, activities & a warm welcome. Family / carers come along too, make new friends in a safe space.