The Darnton Suite
The Darnton Suite at Hundens Park provides care and support for adults living with dementia and mental ill-health, often with associated distress reactions. Our aim is to offer a therapeutic and supportive environment where a person’s dignity and independence have top priority.
Our dedicated team delivers first-class, person-centred care, giving people a quality of support that is unique and innovative, whilst ensuring individuals remain in control of their lives. Emphasis is placed on enhancing wellbeing through relationship-centred support and providing the individual with a meaningful day.
Our capable and experienced team works towards supporting choice, change and wellbeing. Working within the philosophy of true person-centred care, our team supports everyone to make their own decisions and choices regarding daily life and social activity.

At a glance
Client groups
The Darnton Suite works in partnership with Personal Care Trusts and social services departments across the UK to provide a warm and homely environment for adults living with dementia and associated distress reactions. Admission is based on a clinical assessment by our multidisciplinary team to ensure we are able to meet the needs of each individual.
Our aim is to offer a therapeutic and supportive environment where the individual's dignity, independence and values are respected.
We support the following Functional Mental Health Services at the Darnton Suite:
Functional Mental Health Services:
Anxiety/Neurosis Disorders
Behaviours that challenge
Bi-polar Disorder
Dual Diagnosis
Forensic History
Other Psychoses
Psychotic Depression

Read our brochure 'Enriching the lives of people living with dementia' for more information on our support for your loved one.
Read brochure
Read our brochure 'A-Z Directory of Demential Care' for a useful toolkit for providing good dementia care.
Read brochureOur approach to care
The Darnton Suite's capable and experienced team works through care planning towards supporting choice, change and wellbeing, in partnership with relatives, specialist therapists and local health professionals. Working within the philosophy of person-centred care and relationship-centred support, the team helps individuals in making their own decisions and choices regarding daily life and social activity. The Darnton Suite always puts feelings first. Relationships fostered through a key worker approach, making the day meaningful for the individual and the group, creating emotional and social attachment. Feeling loved, useful and needed is key to daily life at The Darnton Suite. The Darnton Suite has a dedicated Activities co-ordinator and encourages all staff to contribute to this important element of helping the people we support to enjoy their lives. Activities include regular outings, exercise groups, music therapy and reminiscence work, on a group and an individual basis. Each individual on the Darnton Community receives an activity assessment, using the Poole activities tool, so that activities can be tailored to the individual’s abilities, likes and dislikes. Life skills are an equally important aspect to well-being and everyone is enabled to take part in their own care. This could include support for preparing a drink or snack, baking bread, gardening, laying a table for dinner, washing up or making a bed.
Make a referral
Referrals are made via health professionals or hospitals, direct to the General Manager. A clinical assessment will be offered within two working days to establish if the potential resident's needs can be effectively met on the The Darnton Suite.
Referral form
Click here if you are a health professional or a family member and would like to make a referral to the The Darnton Suite for your patient or family member.
Make a referralMake a referral to The Darnton Suite
Please complete the below form to make a referral
Please complete the below form to contact us
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Frequently Asked Questions
What types of care does Hundens Park Care Home offer?
Hundens Park Care Home offers Nursing care, Dementia care, Respite / Short stay.