Activities at Mulberry Court Care Home

The team at Mulberry Court works hard to support and encourage residents to participate in both group and individual activities, based around their preferences and lifestyle choices. We take time to get to know each person, sitting with them and listening to them speak about their lives, interests, and aspirations. We have access to our own minibus so outings to nearby places of interest are available; for example local museums, art galleries, garden centres, and public houses. We also host themed evenings, such as 'Quiz and Meal-in-a-Basket', 'The Races (Greyhounds, Horses)', and 'Takeaway and Movie Night' that we also encourage relatives to come to. We believe lifestyle choices and activities are one of the most important aspects of a care home, and it is essential that we help residents to have fulfilling and enjoyable lives.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Mulberry Court Care Home

Creating book marks

Residents had a lovely afternoon making their own bookmarks from dried flowers.  We stuck them on and then laminated them and made them into book markers.

Drawing Club

Another lovely afternoon in our Drawing and Painting Club with a Spring theme to brighten up the grey days of February.

Love is in the air!

Mulberry Court care home, in York, was filled with flowers, cards and sweets in celebration of St Valentine’s Day.  

Staff and residents celebrated the day of love by making their own Valentines card with fresh flowers and every resident received a single red rose and heart shaped chocolates.

General Manager, Fiona Christie, said: “We’ve all had a lovely day decorating the home and making gifts for each other and for our loved ones. Lots of our residents were able to see their loved ones either in person or via video call. We’ve had a whole range of treats and Valentine’s themed fun and we have enjoyed every moment of it!”

Delicious treats

We had a lovely time joining Chef Alex Connell from Vegetarian for Life for a Valentine’s-inspired virtual cookery demonstration.  Chef Alex created some delicious Valentine’s Day-inspired vegetarian desserts, which our residents had the opportunity to try too.

First, our residents sampled a wonderful sticky toffee pudding, which was absolutely heavenly. Then they tried hazelnut truffles which were a huge hit and finally they were treated to a chocolate orange cake which everyone adored.


The Year of the Tiger

Residents enjoyed an afternoon of Chinese lantern making to celebrate The Year of the Tiger.  Notes of love, laughter friendship and health to name but a few were written in Chinese letters and exchanged between our residents in a lovely show of love and care between residents at Mulberry Court.


RSPB Bird Watch

Residents showed their superior knowledge of birds to the staff at Mulberry Court during our Big Bird Watch afternoon inspired by the RSPB.  We had a pretty tricky bird quiz but it proved no problem to some of our bird experts in the group!  We filled up our new bird feeders with an array of different bird treats in the hope of encouraging some new feathered friends in our beautiful gardens.

Upcoming events


Hello July!  We extend a warm invitation for you to join us throughout the month and make new friends - all welcome.

Emergency Services - Take a break with us!

Calling all emergency services - take a break on us. We will have tea, coffee and maybe a cake or two!

Volunteers - Could you make a difference?

For more information on how you could Volunteer, please contact us on 01904 671 122

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Looking for a place to host a meeting - for more information on what we have to offer please contact the home.

Weekly Coffee Morning

Join us for our weekly coffee morning each Tuesday of every month 10:00 - 11:30am.