Activities at Springvale Court Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Jess Bruford

Activities Coordinator

Hi, My name is Jess and I am Activities Coordinator here at Springvale Court. I am delighted to join the team, joining in December 2023 but I have found my feet with ease. I spend time getting to know all of our residents and this helps me to arrange meaningful activities based on individual likes and interests. I love spending time with our residents, be it chatting one to one, small reminiscing groups or large group activities.

I am looking forward to learning and growing with Barchester and I am always open to any ideas for new and different activities so please stop and chat with me.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Springvale Court Care Home


Butterfly wish delivered

Residents of Springvale recently enjoyed chartering the growth journey of eggs to butterflies before their release.  For one Resident, this was a wish come true as she reminisced about her childhood when she used to keep caterpillars in a jar until they turned to crystallise then to the most glamorous butterflies.

The activities team produced a daily chart for the butterflies growth along with quizzes, themed arts and crafts before their release when they held a butterfly tea party with napkins folded into butterflies, delicious mouth-watering butterfly cakes. It was a glorious sunny day as their beautiful creations gave an almighty show on their release.

Jolly Sweets Trolley

The ‘Jolly Sweets Trolley’ goes around weekly, giving Springvale Court residents the opportunity to enjoy some of their favourite sweet treats. Residents are given a choice of old fashioned sweets, sugar-free sweets, chocolates and crisps. The colourful sweets trolley was purchased second hand and lovingly given a fresh coat of paint by the homes maintenance as it had been out of use for a while.

The residents love seeing it get rolled out with some of their choice treats, and sometimes they will request for it to go around the home more than once a week. While going around the home with the trolley, activities catch up to ensure that everyone’s firm favourites are available, and also what kind of different activities they would like to see, as well as to let them know what has been planned for the week ahead.

Residents host cheese & wine party

Residents of Springvale Court enjoyed a cheese and wine party.   The mouth-watering event saw cheese boards filled with fruit, a vast selection of cheese and freshly baked bread for everyone to enjoy, washed down with a glass of wine.  Conversation flowed as background music played as everyone discussed their favourite types of cheese.

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Circus de’ Springvale

The circus comes to town as Springvale recreate the big top within the home.  The home was decorated throughout recreating the popular circus and games.  Staff dressed for the occasion bringing smiles to the faces of Residents as clowns appeared to keep them entertained.     Residents showed their competitive side as they played games to win prizes.    It was a fun filled day for everyone with lots of laughter!




Long awaited reunions

For some residents at Springvale, the long awaited reunion with family and friends became a reality recently, as garden visits have now been allowed to commence at the home.

There has been much careful planning and preparation for this moment behind the scenes at Barchester Healthcare. Social distancing was still in place, and homes that are able to take part must have a large accessible garden.

It was welcome news to so many residents, family, and friends, who were kept apart for so long following strict government guidance. Residents and their loved ones got together in the home garden and the garden was fully of joy and chatter.

3 Wishes

We have begun collecting residents' wishes for our wishing well. Some wishes have already been granted! One resident loves butterflies, so a set to grow her own has been given to her in her room. She was very emotional after her wish was granted, and this has inspired us to grant as many wishes as we can! Many residents wished for a pamper room, which is currently on its way to be completed. What can the Springvale fairies grant next!

Upcoming events

Monthly Dementia Cafe

Join us for our monthly dementia cafe which takes place on the last Friday of each month. 

Volunteers - Could you make a difference?

There are endless ways to get involved and we'd love to hear from you!

Calling all Emergency Services

Calling all heros!  Come and take a break with us and enjoy a warm drink and a slice of homemade cake.

Knit and Natter

Come and join us at our weekly knitting club and make new friends - all welcome.