Activities at Wimborne Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Zoe Freeman

Lead Activities Coordinator

I have been working in care since 2019 and love the industry. I came from working on cruise ships and running events and activities there which has set me up to be a successful activities coordinator in care. You will never see me without a smile on my face and always bring my fun and bubbly personality to my job. My favourite part of my job is making people cheerful  and help make their wishes come true to show people that age is just a number and we can have fun no matter what!

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Wimborne Care Home

Picnic Day

Residents took a trip to our home's gardens to have a picnic. The picnics were filled with music, chatting and food, including strawberries, croissants, scones and lemon drizzle cakes, plus some teas and coffees.

Art Attack

Residents and our activities team had a day full of painting and creating beautiful art pieces. Residents painted stones and painted canvas using straws and blowing through the straws to move the paint all over the canvas. For our big art project residents used water guns that were filled with different paint colours and squirted the paint onto a big plain white sheet.

Wimbledon Day

Residents enjoyed a fun-filled day of throwing their own home Wimbledon. Residents got to have a tennis tournament in the garden with refreshments of Pimm's and lemonade, pink lemonade and had a nice treat of strawberries and cream.  

Wimborne's Talent Show

Residents and staff all had a wonderful afternoon performing and showing off their talents which included; Singing, magic tricks, duets, Irish whistle playing, trying to break marshmallow world record and baton twirling.

After all performances residents and staff clapped for their favourites. The winners all received a prize!

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Staff dressed up as the characters of the famous story whilst residents enjoyed a Mad Hatter tea party with all the trimmings and hilarity whilst memorable quotes from the story were recalled by all the staff and residents.

Pirate Day

Residents enjoyed a fun-filled day following a treasure map and finding a chest full of treats to enjoy. There were lots of fun games and Jolly Roger songs.