Activities at Winchester House Care Home

Our activities team are constantly striving to mentally and physically stimulate those we support by organising group and individual activities for anyone and everyone to participate in. There are regular outings in the minibus to nearby places of interest, including the local priory and garden centres, as well as visits from musicians, a wide range of entertainers. We are lucky enough to have a enthusiastic team of volunteers who regularly visit the home throughout the week, and our yearly pantomime is a real crowd-pleaser and is well-attended by residents, relatives and members of staff. Activities are one of the most important aspects of a care home, so it is essential that our team are dedicated to ensuring that residents are entertained, and that life at Winchester House is fun and active.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Winchester House Care Home

Intergenerational Playgroup

On Monday 6th January we held our first intergenerational playgroup of the year, and what a busy one it was! The residents loved watching all the little children running around as well as cuddling all the babies! It was lovely to see such a wonderful turn out and it certainly got the new year off to a good start!”

Beauty & the Beast Panto

As we say a fond farewell to 2019 we had Tickled Pink Productions come to the home to wow us with “Beauty & The Beast” Panto, local families and friends came along to celebrate with our residents and shouts of “He’s Behind You!” resonated throughout the home. We had a ball and felt like Princes and Princesses by the end, we are now looking forward to having lots more fun in the new Year.

Christmas Tree Festival

This year, the local primary school held a Christmas tree festival. We were invited to make our very own Christmas tree and display it with all the others. Our residents loved getting involved with the making and displaying their tree as well as seeing all the others that were on display for the festival.

Treasure Hunt

Earlier this month we had a hunt for treasure. We made each clue rhyme for special measure. War time related with poppies and gas masks. A real treat for us all to follow such tasks. Fun had by all that wanted to join, and joy when we found our own chocolate coin.

Guy Fawkes

Remember, Remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot! Our residents had great fun making our very own Guy Fawkes. Stuffing his pants with hay brought on many giggles all round.

Guy Fawkes has been propped up in our courtyard for now and the residents are loving looking out of their windows and admiring their handy work.

Trip to Dobbie’s Garden Centre

At Winchester House we like to get a trip out to get some fresh air and different scenery. In October we thought we would pop over to Dobbie’s Garden Centre at Gillingham to have a cuppa and look at their displays they are getting ready for Christmas, yes already starting to get those displays up and we loved the lights and decorations.

We were impressed as they seem to cater for everything not just plants, they have a butchers, clothing, toys, books and much more! Definitely worth a visit if your over that way!