Residents at Barchester design Christmas cards

Westlake House care home in Horsham and White Lodge care home in Swindon have won the annual Barchester Healthcare Christmas Card Competition 2013 with two superb entries designed by residents at the homes.

Patricia Lawton, resident at Westlake, and Hazel Waugh, resident at White Lodge, have an abundance of creative talent. Patricia designed a deer's head made up of a floral pattern and Hazel drew a choir singing outside a church by a Christmas tree. Everyone at both homes decided their entries were the best and encouraged them to send the card designs through for the competition.

The annual card competition is judged by the trustees of Barchester's Charitable Foundation and is open to all 200 Barchester homes across the country where there are always two winners. One of the cards tends to have a religious theme while the other has a more festive feel.

Both residents were thrilled to see the printed versions and the cards are available for staff and relatives to purchase. There are ten cards in a pack and a percentage is donated to Barchester's Charitable Foundation.