Staff FAQs
We hope that some of the questions below will help answer some of your queries. If not, our team are always happy to help.
We have an inclusive approach to recruitment to ensure that the right staff join our teams and the process is run internally. This internal approach ensures that staff are recruited through a robust process to ensure they are fit for the role and the home in which they are based.
Barchester are committed to the Apprenticeship Levy and the development of staff overall. The type of qualifications depend on the staff member and their role.
Barchester runs a dementia training programme called "10-60-06", which is a training programme produced by Barchester’s highly skilled team of dementia experts. Our trained team work hard to ensure the highest quality of care, based on the latest research and our accredited programme is constantly being updated and upgraded to ensure the best training possible.
Barchester provides a complete and comprehensive learning and development package to all staff, regardless of role. This covers statutory and mandatory training, with a focus on safety and care, as well as clinical development, apprentices and leadership development. We believe in supporting careers in care and all of our staff receive different training dependent on their own career paths. All training is consistent with our quality promise.
Of course, and this is determined by the care requirements of every individual in the home which is assessed prior to admission and regularly throughout their stay with us.