Activities at Cubbington Mill Care Home

Every day we run different activities throughout our home. The activities are designed and adapted to each individuals personal needs. The activities are designed to mentally and physically stimulate the people we care for and also to enhance their life skills and feelings of purpose and self-worth. The activities encourage interaction on a one to one basis, in small groups, in large groups and some are designed for the whole home including staff to be involved in.

We are registered with the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) which ensures we are able to achieve and continually progress to enhance the quality of life for those we support in the home. We provide entertainers such as singers, musicians, magicians, puppeteers, poets and dancers. We also have regular exercise classes and arts and craft classes. Relatives and visitors will be able to see what me make in these classes on display around the home. We have regular trips out on the mini bus to visit garden centres, enjoy high tea, visit the butterfly farm and spend the day at the zoo with a picnic. We encourage the local community, schools, colleges and relatives to come and join us for activities, tea and cake and to visit to share their skills as much as possible. 

Staff from across the home are always willing to help and share their knowledge and skills across a whole range of activities we have had everything from carers preforming Bollywood style dancing to cooking classes from the chef. We feel activities are a vital part of the residents lives to ensure they are stimulated mentally and entertained.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Rose Tucker

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Rose and I am the activities coordinator at Cubbington Mill!

I have been working in care since I was 17 and very passionate about my role, always trying to do bigger & better. I am one of Cubbington Mills Dementia Champions. I'm very privileged to work with the wonderful people and residents at Barchester's Cubbington Mill and hope we all make some lovely memories together! I LOVE to find out about residents interests & hobbies through tools like the “Getting To Know Me Booklets”. 

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact me direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cubbington Mill Care Home

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Fresh Flower Posies

Residents; Audrey, Betty and John had a wonderful time yesterday helping our newly appointed Activities Coordinator; Rose make the beautiful fresh flower posies for this Bank Holiday weekends Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

They look and smell divine; thank you ladies!


GFitness Exercise

Gfitness has been providing health, fitness and well-being to people of all abilities, in care homes and in the community since 2008. Our residents enjoyed todays' session with Mick from @GfitnessLtd as he had them moving and grooving with some gentle chair exercises to start the day off.

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Queen's Jubilee Preparations

We're all getting royally excited for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations. This week we enjoyed a super @CreativeMojoLtd session joining together to make crowns, hang bunting and filling the home with other commemorative decorations ready for the big weekend ahead!

Betty looks amazing as the Cubbington queen.

Please feel free to pop in for a cup of tea and slice of cake over the weekend, our doors are open to any passing visitors.

#queensjubilee #PlatinumJubilee #Creativemojo #creativemojowarwickanddistrict

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Queen's Baton Relay - Baton Bearer

We’re all super excited to announce that Warwickshire’s oldest man and resident of Cubbington Mill Care Home; John Farringdon has been chosen as a baton bearer for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

John was born in 1913 in Enfield. Aged 16 he got a job as an apprentice in Upper Thames Street, London repairing typewriters, he travelled all over the city repairing units before getting a job at The Ford Motor Company in Dagenham in 1934 as a typewriter mechanic.

In 1942, Ford offered John a job in Leamington Spa making tank tracker assistance for the army. He moved out of London to live and work in Leamington at Ford for the next 40 years before coming to reside at Cubbington Mill.

The Commonwealth Games is an international multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. The event was first held in 1930, when John was just 17 years old!

This year the games; ‘Birmingham 2022’ are scheduled to be held in Birmingham, from 28 July to 8 August 2022. John will celebrate his birthday on June 7 so when the West Midlands’ legs of the baton relay takes place between 18 - 28 July, John will be 109 years young and carrying the baton with pride for his local community.

Pictured here in his baton bearer uniform which was delivered by Royal Mail, John said: “I am honoured to take part in such an historic event and to be chosen as a baton bearer. Over the last three years living with my Cubbington Mill family, I am often surprised to be invited to take part in different events. It keep me young at heart and definitely makes life easier.”

Laura Russell, General Manager added: “We are all so proud of John and so delighted for him, he is an absolute marvel. It is such an honour for him to be chosen and what a memory for him to cherish. Everyone from the home will be cheering him on when he completes his leg of the relay in July.”

#Birmingham2022 #CommonWealthGames2022 #Birmingham2022Batonbearer #livingthedream #barchesterhealthcare #BarchesterTogether #QueensBatonRelay #ford

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Pottery Painting

We had a wonderful day 'pottery painting' with Crazy Kiln. Our residents enjoyed decorating their individual plates with all the things they love. Moira's plate included memories of her beloved Scotland, her daughters and the dog!

We look forward to collecting them all back after firing and putting them on display for all to see.

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International Firefighters’ Day

Residents and staff at Cubbington Mill Care Home in Leamington Spa, honoured their local firefighters by inviting their local fire crew from Leamington Fire Station to the home for a fire safety briefing and tour of their fire engine. Residents from the Cooking Club spent the day making delicious chocolate cornflake goodies to thank the firefighters stationed at Leamington Fire Station for their selfless service in keeping the community safe.

Coinciding with Saint Florian’s Day, International Firefighters’ Day is celebrated around the world. Saint Florian, who was said to be one of the first commanding firefighters of a Roman battalion, saved many lives and is the patron saint of firefighters. The event was created in 1999 after five firefighters died tragically in a wildfire in Australia to highlight the sacrifices made by fire crews around the world who all unite in the fight against one common enemy – fire.

Laura Russell, General Manager at the home, said: “Our local firefighters put their lives on the line every day to save our lives, loved ones and homes, and even our forests, cities and towns, so we wanted to take the opportunity to let them know just how much we appreciate all that they do for us. We think they are truly wonderful human beings.”

John Farringdon, who lives at Cubbington Mill said: “I can’t imagine how terrifying it must be to go into a burning building to rescue someone, I think our fire crews are absolutely amazing and I can’t thank them enough for their service. They are all heroes in my eyes.”