Activities at Oxford Beaumont Care Community

Our Activities Coordinators are committed to organising a mix of activities and events that cater to all tastes, which includes minibus outings to nearby places of interest and visits from animal trusts, local school choirs, musicians and entertainers. We also undertake one-to-one activities for residents who are unable to participate in group sessions, and encourage loved ones to join in whenever they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Alice and Sarah

Activities Team

Hi, I'm Alice (left) and I've been working in activities since 2019. I absolutely love my role, and I'm passionate about providing meaningful and life enriching activities for all our residents. My aim is to make them smile everyday!

Hi I’m Sarah (right), I’ve been a member if the Oxford Beaumont team since January 2020. Starting as an Activities assistant on a part time basis, I enjoyed the role so much I'm now one the the full time coordinators.

It’s an absolute pleasure working here, being able to provide life enriching activities that make our residents happy and smile. We have so much fun together, and learn something new everyday from these incredible ladies and gentlemen.

Making links with local groups and organisations to ensure our residents remain part of the local community is a key part of the activities team role, if you would like to make contact with me or my colleague Sarah, please feel free to call us on 01865 730990 or drop us an email

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Oxford Beaumont Care Community

Presentation Evening

On 30th of October Gemma Louise Doyle gave a performance for the Presentation evening at the Oxford Beaumont Community.

Singing a selection of her songs and amazing the audience with her beautiful voice and uplifting personality.

A cheque for the sum of £426.40 in total was given to the ‘Children’s Air Ambulance ‘ and ‘Eynsham Rotary Club’

raised from a B.B.Q in the grounds of the home held earlier in the year.

The local community was invited to join in the celebrations which included a Halloween theme and prizes for the most

imaginative and best dressed.

The evening was a great success with dancing though out the evening and refreshments including wine and cheeseboards for everyone to enjoy.


Moving Music Concert

We had a wonderful time when we attended ‘Moving Music Concert’ at Radley College. The afternoon started by refreshments and then included Christopher Redgate, Celia Redgate, playing a variety of musical instruments to the audience.

We were asked to join in with a sing-a-long of well-known tunes such as ‘My favourite things’. The atmosphere was very relaxed with everyone enjoying themselves. We are looking forward to the next concert in January 2020.

The Magic Table

The Magic Table

Here at the Oxford Beaumont, we are very pleased to announce the arrival of The Magic Table. This is a modern colourful light projection system, which responds to movement from the hands, arms and feet.

Barchester is always trying to improve each resident’s quality of life in a fun way, and many residents that are usually less social are making the most of this equipment and enjoying the interactive games.

One lady loves cleaning, so we give her a dustpan and brush, and she is very happy to sweep the leaves up. Another gentleman loves playing the football game with other residents and staff, which brings out his competitive side.

The popping of bubbles game is very popular with residents, families and staff alike. It encourages hand and eye coordination, and has improved residents' response times to the game in the short period we have had it.

There are so many benefits to this modern piece of technology, which has been designed especially to help residents living with dementia.

You can read more about it on this page.

Summer BBQ , Summer BBQ , Summer BBQ

Summer BBQ

On the 3rd of August residents, family and friends united for an annual summer BBQ. The aim of the event was for everyone to have a relaxed and enjoyable day with great food, to have fun as well as to raise money for our two chosen charities: Children’s Air Ambulance and Eynsham Rotary Club.

There were many stalls, activities and games, including cake stall, tombola, name the bear, craft stall with homemade products, hook a duck, the balloons in the mini-bus, raffle, bubble stall, sand pit  and a wet sponge game.

People from all ages attended the event and enjoyed a buffet style BBQ with burgers, hot dogs, lamb, crispy chicken and sides. There was a special guest, Kevin Reed, our local singer and musician. The event was very successful and we managed to raise more than £400 for the charities. 

We would like to thank all staff, residents, families and volunteers for the support given to organise this summer event. 

The Old Flight House , The Old Flight House , The Old Flight House

The Old Flight House

On a warm, but drizzling day, we visited the very popular and well known antique café: ‘The Old Flight house’, situated on the Northampton Road, Weston-on-the-Green, just ten minutes from Bicester Village.

The atmosphere was very welcoming and staff members smiling at us. We enjoyed the cabinets full to the brim with elegant jewellery, that took us back in time. We were all stunned by the variety of antiques and shabby chic furniture on display. In the light and spacious interior, over 70 owners have their themed units.

One unit displayed items from an era of using the outhouse for clothes washing, with a cooper boiler, lit underneath with kindling wood, then fed with coal. Many interesting items were exhibited.

Nancy, one of our Oxford Beaumont's family, gave us in depth information of how a washing day was planned out. Nancy explained: 'It took place on a Monday or Tuesday and was a laborious job, often taking all day. In the 1950’s Carbolic soap was used for men’s working clothes, or sunlight soap for your general everyday clothes in the form of a bar and grated to the water.

A washboard was used to rub clothes against the ridged surface to force the cleansing fluid through the cloth and so remove the dirt. When items were washed in the cooper boiler they were lifted out using a ‘’copper stick’’ and transferred into a metal laundry container to be rinsed out with cold water by hand. Then you either rung by hand or if you were privileged enough, you may have owned a mangle to pass the clothes through. It was then a matter of drying outside or having to put up lines of string across the room. A process that would astound people of today.'

We all had coffee and cake as the conversation continued. There were many other items that engaged everyone’s interest from antique teddy bear’s bringing back childhood memories to clothing items.

After a stroll around the garden area, we returned back to Oxford Beaumont to had a wonderful lunch prepared by our Chef and his amazing team.

Upcoming events

Countdown to Christmas

Take a look at all of the wonderful festive events and activities throughout December. Please feel free to join our celebrations. Contacts us for more information.