Activities at Rivermead Care Home

We all know that keeping active is important. We have created a wonderful culture within the home and we work together to give residents the best possible experience. We are here to ensure that residents enjoy an environment that is both stimulating and socially active. We ensure the team knows each residents' preferences, so that we can deliver a person-centered programme of events and activities. Essential to our homely feel is the strong relationships of trust we build with residents and their families and friends. The home also has its very own minibus for our numerous outings for coffee and shopping, which residents love.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Rivermead Care Home

Carers week

Happy Carers Week! We would like to take this great opportunity to recognise and thank our wonderful carers here at the home.

We are proud of each and every one of our care team for the outstanding care that they provide to our residents every single day. They always go above and beyond their role and for this we are truly grateful.

National Trust talk

Our homes had a fantastic time joining National Trust Talks Service team at Cliveden House for an inspirational talk on Nancy Astor – the first woman to take a seat in the House of Commons.

Our residents had the opportunity to learn more about the fascinating life of Nancy and her political career. As the first women MP, she experienced both attention and scandal throughout her life, which led to many triumphs and numerous disasters.  The talk was truly enjoyed by all.

Ferndown florist demo

Our homes had a lovely time joining Sue and Nicole from Ferndown Florist for an intriguing flower arrangement workshop in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Our residents enjoyed a wonderful virtual demonstration and got inspired to create their own flower posies for our Jubilee displays.  Our home will be specially decorated for the upcoming festivities. Stay tuned.

Lunch club

For todays lunch club we went to Ham and Cheese Pub accompanied by Brenda, Betty and Andy.  We once again had the biggest fish and chips ever! Our residents are very fond of our pub lunches.

Singing the Queen's favourite hymns

A special church celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee was held yesterday at St. Peter’s Church in Norton Malton, and Rivermead residents were invited the service and then to partake in a truly royal tea party in the church.

Our minibus was full with residents from both our Westow and Malton communities, and there was a feeling of excitement as we walked slowly into the beautifully decorated church. Colourful pictures on the walls had been created by pupils at Norton Community Primary School. Bunting was hanging from the pillars and near the altar a brass band was setting up. The church was filling rapidly as we settled near the front, and then Reverend Jenny Buckler (who visits Rivermead monthly) welcomed us to a special service comprising the Queen’s favourite hymns, some with brass accompaniment! Her favourites included Praise My Soul The King of Heaven, The Lord’s My Shepherd, All People That on Earth Do Dwell, and Guide Me Oh Thou Great Redeemer. ‘These are the really good old hymns, aren’t they,’ said Brenda enthusiastically. ’Yes, we all know these!’ agreed Lena. The service ended with The National Anthem, but there was more to come: beyond the pews were many tables laden with scones, cream and jam, flapjacks and cakes of all kinds. Soon the residents and Norton churchgoers were sitting and tucking in to this right royal tea party! ‘It is marvellous to be back in church,’ said Richard.

Royal Garden Party

After days of preparation and growing excitement among residents and staff – not to mention across the entire nation! – the big day came at Rivermead. After the maintenance team had prepared the garden, and the domestic team had polished and scrubbed the home to ‘as new’ condition, the residents were delighted to be getting into their best bib and tucker. Hats had been made, Union Jacks were flying, bunting was displayed indoors and out, and in the kitchens chef Sarah and her team were hulling strawberries and making enormous quantities of Pimms!

Upcoming events

Could you be a Volunteer?

Do you have any spare time? Could you help make a difference to someones day to day life? For more information on volunteering, we'd love to hear from you.

Community Cafe - Every Tuesday from 10.30 am

We extend a warm invitation to community friends to join us at our popular Community Cafe - all welcome.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Calling all emergency personnel, come and take a break with us! There may be a cake or two.....

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Looking for a place to host a meeting? Look no further!  For more information contact Rivermead or pop in and see what we have to offer.