Activities at Woodland View Care Home

Activities at Woodland View

Woodland View is passionately committed to providing residents with a varied choice of entertainment, social, health and well being, craft and relaxation based activities.

Activities will all be meaningful and based on the likes of residents and will continue to evolve depending on our residents. The activities provided will also include involvement from other local community based organisations and are open to all residents, family and friends of residents. Our activities will be facilitated by staff from all departments as well as invited guests. Families are also enthusiastically encouraged to play a part in activities when possible.

There will always be at least one person at every activity who has been DBS checked to ensure the safeguarding of our residents. The dignity of our residents and our respect for them is at the centre of everything we do, each and every day.

We are always reviewing and changing our schedule of activities to be a centre of excellence and actively invite feedback and suggestions for new and meaningful activities and ideas.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Petra Hardman

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Petra and I'm the Activities Coordinator here at Woodland View. I love seeing the difference that activities can make to each individual, and finding out what interests they have and ensure I incorporate that into our activities here.

I love music and drama coming from a musical background as a singer all over the country, music is important to me and I feel it makes such a difference to everyone, it evokes memories, and creates happiness. I also love to boost residents self esteem by creating pampering sessions and having one to one time to relax and reminisce.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Woodland View Care Home

Tiny Ivy

Tiny Ivy

Every Monday afternoon, residents at Woodland View Care Home work together as part of their Craft Workshop to knit items for the benefit of others.

Recently, a large collection of items were presented to The Catherine Bullen Foundation, which support the development of communities in Namibia. However, this week it was the turn of the Neonatal Unit at Colchester General Hospital to take delivery of something other than babies!

A number of bags containing hats for premature babies, cot blankets, matinee coats and booties were handed over to Ward Sister Karen Moss by Activities Coordinator, Kevin Riley, and Assistant Activities, Tansie Fitch. Both were invited to take a tour of the Neonatal Unit and both were in awe of what they saw. At least a couple of sneaky tears escaped as a result of the overwhelming experience as both were introduced to some of the tiny little infants benefiting from the care and facilities provided from the unit.

Kevin and Tansie met with Mum, Rosie Meloy, as she was feeding daughter Ivy Wraight. Ivy was born 12 weeks early weighing on 2 pounds. After being born, Ivy had to go for specialist care to Norwich before returning to the Colchester Neonatal Unit for ongoing care.

Little Shop of Horrors

Little Shop of Horrors

For those who know this campy comedy musical 'Little Shop of Horrors', the Colchester Operatic Society production at the Mercury Theatre was thoroughly enjoyable as residents at Woodland View Care Home will tell anyone.

The Woodland View minibus was full and arrived at the theatre in plenty of time to arrive to the reserved seats. The lights went down, the music started and the show began!

The cast sang their way through the songs as residents followed the story of orphan Seymour and his budding romance with Audrey as she suffered at the hands of her nasty dentist boyfriend. Helping Seymour win her heart, but with a nasty hidden agenda, was Seymour's ticket to fame and fortune Audrey 2, and alien species of plant.

Returning to Woodland View after a great afternoon's entertainment, the cast were then invited to visit the Care Home (once the shows run has ended) to entertain residents with a selection of songs from the show. Watch this space!

A picture of appreciation

A picture of appreciation

Woodland View was given a lovely surprise, following a visit from relatives of former resident Kevin Rushner.

Manager, Juliet Driver, welcomed members of Kevin's family back to Woodland View. The family wanted to visit Woodland View for a chat and to show their thanks and appreciation for everything the team did in caring for Kevin from the time he arrived until he passed away and for the care given to the whole family during this period.

Juliet was presented with a framed picture which was promptly and proudly mounted on a wall in the reception and coffee lounge area.

September's Employee of the Month

September's Employee of the Month

Courtney Bird was the Woodland View Employee of the Month for September.

Courtney received many complimentary comments to support her nomination and was surprised and thrilled to receive the award.

Congratulations from the whole Woodland View team, Courtney – keep doing what you do so well!



Ladies and gentlemen at Woodland View were thrilled to have the chance to visit the local 10 Pin Bowling Alley in Colchester.

The idea had been discussed for some time, but it finally happened! Phillipa Bryan surprised everyone, including herself, by starting off with two successive strikes! Another resident, Gary, used to bowl regularly with his wife, but hadn't had the chance to for years, so he really enjoyed the opportunity for a return to the alley.

At the end of the afternoon, residents returned to Woodland View buzzing from the experience, and it will now feature at least once on month on the activities schedule.

Woodland View's Charity Work

Woodland View's Charity Work

Earlier this year, residents, relatives and staff at Woodland View set about knitting a range of items to support the work done in Namibia by the Colchester-based Catherine Bullen Foundation.

Roger Bullen returned to Woodland View recently to deliver a video presentation update of the continuing work the foundation has been doing in its support for the communities they work with in Namibia.

Residents then presented Roger with a huge collection of blankets and tops everyone had knitted since his last visit. Roger was genuinely impressed with the amount of work that had been done and was very grateful for the support shown to the Catherine Bullen Foundation and, in turn, the communities in Namibia.

For further information on the amazing work The Catherine Bullen Foundation has done and continues to do, please visit their website: