Activities at Braeburn Lodge Care Home

Our dedicated activities team are constantly dreaming up new and wonderful ways to support and stimulate the mind, body and soul of the residents we look after. Taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life. From trips to crafts, parties to skittles, musical performances and quizzes, we include something for everyone and pride ourselves on including everyone into the fun. 

We have a brilliant team of volunteers who help us to deliver more trips, support us at events and pop in for a cup of tea and chat. We have pet therapy at least once per week (sometimes twice!) and we take advantage of every school break by holding large scale events that we can invite families with children to. We have been developing ties with our neighbours since we first opened and thanks to this, we have successfully brought together our residents with local churches, choirs, Brownies groups, and schools. Whatever your interests are, here at Braeburn, there's something for everyone.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Yasmine Dawson

Activities Coordinator

I have worked at Braeburn Lodge since 2015. I started working as a carer and the activities side of the role really appealed to me. We organise a variety of activities to suit everybody’s preferences and abilities. I enjoy working at Braeburn and making a difference to the residents’ lives.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Braeburn Lodge Care Home

Walk through a landscape

Residents across our services had a lovely time joining Emily and Marie-Therese from the Wallace Collection, for a virtual introduction to Reubens' Rainbow Landscape.

Residents truly enjoyed the sensory walk through one of the museum’s most famous landscape paintings.

Everyone who joined had a wonderful experience and can’t wait to put their creative skills to the test by painting some landscapes of our their in the coming days!

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Mexican Day

Our themed day this month was all things Mexico! We decorated our cafe area with bunting and sombreros for everyone to enjoy. Our amazing hospitality team cooked a tasty 3 course lunch based on the traditional Mexican foods including homemade nachos and salsa, which were so good everyone was talking about them all day. Residents loved wearing the sombreros and Rita joked about it making her head look big, we told her she looked fabulous! 

These themed days are a fun, interesting way of learning and exploring another country and culture. We absolutely love hosting them here at Braeburn and virtually traveling around the world together.


Pumpkin Painting

The Memory Lane residents enjoyed a messy morning decorating pumpkins in preparation for our Halloween celebrations! They were joined by some loved ones who were happy to get stuck in with us. 

The residents were so excited to kick start the spooky celebrations and Arthur was so proud of what him and his wife had created! We all think they look just amazing. 

A day at the movies

We welcomed back the marvellous Martyn for his second session at Braeburn Lodge. This was a day at the movies, complete with a red carpet for our VIPs. There was a movie quiz where everyone put on their thinking caps, Tommy, of course knew all the answers! Martyn then became producer as our residents starred in their own silent movie! We have some very talented actors and actresses in our home.

Doris said, "I had the best morning and Martyn is so much fun!" Thank you again to Martyn and we look forward to premiering our movies once editing has finished!

Virtual afternoon at the theatre

Residents across our services had a fantastic time enjoying the virtual screening of Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em. Frank Spencer’s comical misadventures had everyone laughing and it was wonderful to see so many happy faces. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us and a special thanks to The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds for bringing this stage adaptation of the beloved sitcom to our screens.

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Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside

As we welcome autumn, we finish with a big goodbye to the summer by welcoming Martyn for the first of 6 amazing activity sessions.

Martyn is a community artists and theatre creative and came to us via SKDC’s Arts Venues as part of their pay it forward scheme. This first session was a day at the beach where Martyn brought an array of sensory items such as sand, shells, pearls, bubbles and ice creams. The residents had a blast and were immersed in fond memories they all shared at the seaside. We made mini sandcastles and created our own beach jars so everyone was able to keep a part of the beach with them.

Resident Ambassador Nancy said, "he was amazing and such a kind man and she is going to be coming to all his future sessions". 

A huge thank you to Martyn and SKDC’s Arts Venues for choosing Braeburn Lodge for this kind and thoughtful gesture.

Upcoming events


Hello April! We are looking forward to Easter and a fun filled month ahead - all welcome. 

Spring Newsletter

We are delighted to share our latest newsletter - Spring edition - we hope you enjoy reading!

Looking for a place to hold a meeting

For more information why not pop in and see what Braeburn Lodge can offer you.

Coffee Morning - 1st Tuesday of the month

We extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our monthly coffee morning, come along and make new friends - all welcome from 10.00 am on the first Tuesday of the month.

Don't dine alone - every Friday

Join us every Friday from 12.30 until14.30 as we welcome the seniors in our communiuty to take advantage of our hospitality and join us for a nutritious lunch at Braeburn Lodge.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Calling all emergency services personnel, come and take a break with us - we offer a warm welcome and a hot drink, there may be a cake to two available!