Activities at Newlands Care Home

Activities within our home are tailored around the requests of residents. Our Activities Coordinator holds regular activity meetings to seek new thoughts and ideas. The home is committed to offering a varied range of activities for all residents, from hand and nail care to gardening for those who have green fingers. We carry out reminiscence activities, including planned entertainment days, bringing the seaside into the home or dance hall meetings.

We hold strong links with the community, especially schools and local children's sports teams, who visit the home to provide entertainment and engagement with residents. We also maintain relationships with the church to ensure that residents’ spiritual beliefs are met. Externally, we have our own minibus, and outings are planned and carried out, again tailored to residents’ preferences, whether it be shopping, visits to the local pub, tea and coffee afternoons, or a scenic day out in the lakes and lovely countryside that surrounds us. However, the fun does not stop at the residents we care for, but we also hold events to involve family and the wider community.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Hlabekile Nyoni (Nayoni)

Activity Coordinator

Hlabekile Nyoni known by everyone as "Nayoni" is the Activities Co-Ordinator at Newlands Care Centre as of  December 2023.  Hlabekile joined the Barchester team in August  2023 on a part time basis  then later became  fulltime at the end of December 2023.

 "Nayoni" says, ‘ I love sharing my ideas and knowledge to make residents life at Newlands enjoyable and memorable for them  and their families. Each day is a different day and each resident is different therefore I always put that into consideration when coming up with activities that can suit each individual. I am so glad to work with a great team throughout the home, from housekeeping, clinical, care, kitchen, maintenance, admin and managers all play a pivotal role in my work. With my strong artistic  background I find it easier to come up with creative ideas. I love my job here at Newlands.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Newlands Care Home

Residents enjoy ‘upcycle’ club

The gentleman of Newlands recently enjoyed an afternoon of wood work.  They took recycled wood and have started to sand the paint off before upcycling the wood as they look at creating photo frames for the homes activities room.

All the gentleman worked together while listening to some favourite Rock ‘n’ Roll classics. They are now looking at setting up their own ‘woodwork shop’ to upcycle old furniture.

Residents get creative

Residents have enjoyed making colourful pom-poms which they are going to use to create a rug for the home for everyone to enjoy. Residents sat back and listened to popular 1950’s music while wrapping the yarn and singing until their hearts content!  Everyone had a brilliant afternoon and can’t wait to see the finished rug.

Residents enjoy games afternoon

The dull and drab weather didn't dampen the spirits of Residents or stop them from having fun! Instead of garden skittles, Residents enjoyed an afternoon of indoor bowling. Everyone tried their hand at getting a strike and enjoyed the friendly competition before sitting back to enjoy a refreshing cup of tea and a delicious slice of home-made cake.  It was a fun afternoon for all.

World Chocolate Day

Residents at Newlands Care Centre in Workington revelled in all things sweet on World Chocolate Day with a range of chocolatey activities on Tuesday 7th July.

Residents enjoyed a Choc-tastic quiz where they had to identify different chocolate bars and treats. Residents also engaged in some World Chocolate Day facts and sampling some yummy chocolate treats organised by the homes hospitality team.

A splash of colour

Residents from Newlands often get together to enjoy their regular art sessions.  Activities Coordinator, Legh-Anna supports their creative ideas and encourages different methods of Art.

This class is particularly popular with all and everyone thoroughly enjoys a get together with a cuppa and a slice of delicious cake.   Residents enjoy the colouring as find it very calming and therapeutic. It enhances mindfulness and promotes a positive mental well-being.   Everyone enjoys sitting with a cup of tea, colouring in and chatting until their hearts content.

Don't worry 'Beer' happy!

You better beer-lieve that residents at Newlands were more than hoppy to raise a glass, and sample some top ales, in celebration of National Beer Day.

Beer lovers at the home celebrated, and spread beery joy by joining the national toast at 7pm on June 15th, along with millions of people across the country to say ‘Cheers to Beer’!

The hospitality team at Newlands Care Centre brought in a range of brew-tiful British ales for residents to sample, and they enjoyed a beer tasting sampling some local ales with friends and some traditional pub snacks to accompany their cold pints!