Activities at Queens Manor Care Home

We understand that the people we support have passions and interests that could be difficult to pursue after moving into a care home – but that doesn’t mean we don’t encourage them to try! Some hobbies can define a person, so our Activities Coordinators are dedicated to ensuring that everyone we support is able to do what makes them happy to the best of their abilities. Social events are organised with individual tastes in mind and with the idea that residents have the opportunity to try new and exciting things.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Shannon Cullen

Senior Head of Lifestyle

Hi, my name is Shannon and I am Head of Lifestyle and Enrichment here at Queens Manor. I have come to Queens Manor with 6 years of experience in the planning, activities and events sector.

I ensure that myself and the team get to  know each resident's preferences so that we can deliver a person-centred programme of events and activities within the home -  Including activities that positively impact physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. I strongly believe that creating great moments and memories for our residents and embracing their individuality with tailor made activities is the way forward.

In an era of developing technologies, we are using new ways of reaching out to family and friends - though Zoom, Skype and Facebook Portal. We hope that our residents never feel alone or too far away from their loved ones this way.   Each day I like to ensure that our residents enjoy themselves in a calm, stimulating and fun environment, whilst creating bonds with each other and staff.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Queens Manor Care Home


Feeling 21 again!

The age you feel is more important than your actual age. Just imagine you had no birth certificate, no passport and no ID card…all that matters is how old you feel inside! How old would you be??

Resident Irene, feels 21 again… after having an amazing birthday celebration with a gorgeous pink cake made by  head Chef, Duncan and a tea party with her friends from Queens Manor…she feels younger than ever! Irene thrives on life & takes one day at a time, & wants to keep her ‘real age’ a secret….

Christine turns 101

Christine is our very first residents at Queens Manor, she turned 101 on the 15th of August.  Last year for her birthday Christine was surprised with 100 highland dancers from all over the world.  This year her request was a peaceful day with cake and sherry surrounded by her friends at Queens Manor.

 Christine was absolutely over the moon with a glass of sherry surrounded by her friends! She also was surprised with a garden visit, by her son Derek juts before the celebration. Overall a perfect day for Christine. She says the secret to a long happy life is to ‘to do something or you do nothing at all!’

The perfect colour!

Queens Manor residents, love getting pampered, today it was a lovely manicure followed by a hand massage.  

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Eyes down for a game of bingo

It was eyes down as residents enjoyed a spot of Bingo at Queens Manor – what a fun afternoon they had! Residents were absolutely thrilled with all the prizes they could win! It was not about the winning for Residents but all about the participation as each walked away with a prize. 

Resident Pam, won a tennis set and Pam has played tennis for a number of years so this was the perfect gift for her!

30 minutes of JOY!

Residents at Queens Manor have been absolutely delighted to see their loved ones in the garden visitation, after spending months apart due to COVID19 lockdown, the residents have been reunited with their family.

Here is resident Cathy with daughter Anne, having a lovely catch-up, reminiscing about happy times & a memory to be treasured.

A music lover..

Resident, Doris Duncanson, a music lover from a very young age, loves playing piano from her bedroom and have an audience just outside her room.

Head of Lifestyle Enrichment, Suzy Cardoso says: "Doris absolutely loves playing for residents, so why not have a mini concert outside her room, Doris is so passionate about this, she even takes requests from the residents, from hymns to musical theatre songs – she can play it all, super skilled!’

Upcoming events

Coffee Morning

Come along and make new friends over a refreshing coffee and slice of homemade cake - every Friday from 11.00 am

Volunteers - Could you make a difference?

Your time could make a difference! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer we'd love to hear from you!

Knit and natter

Join us for a natter whilst you knit - every Thursday from 3.00 pm.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Come and take a break on us! There may be a cake or two.....