Activities at Rothsay Grange Care Home

The activities coordinators at Rothsay Grange work 7 days a week to ensure there is a variety of planned group and one to one activities to suit all individual needs. The activities consist of weekly running activities such as chair zumba, Music therapy, an Arts club and many more. We also run a weekly minibus trip to local places of interest giving everyone a chance to have a trip out of the home.

Rothsay Grange also knows how to have a good old tea party alongside some fantastic entertainers and productions that visit the home on a regular basis. Irene and Aimee feel its very important to have the residents that live here to have a fun and fulfilled life and encourage them to attend as many activities as they wish.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Irene & Leah

Activities Coordinators

Irene and Leah have been working together since 2019, and thoroughly enjoy planning and providing activities for our residents. They are a great team and always bring joy and fun to wherever they are in the home.

Leah has worked at Rothsay since she was 16, as an apprentice carer, and has worked her way into a position that she loves.

Irene has many years’ experience in working with vulnerable adults and children, and also started working here as a care assistant several years ago, before moving on to senior carer and then into the activities coordinator role.

Both love seeing the way that residents' lives are enriched with the activities they provide, and love interacting with all the residents in our care.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Rothsay Grange Care Home

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We do like to be beside the seaside

Staff and residents alike love a visit to the seaside especially Mudeford Beach.

Residents and staff had a brilliant time visiting Mudeford Beach to soak up the first rays of sun of the year, eating fish and chips and delicious ice creams treats.

The team are already planning their next visit. 





Beauty Therapy Time

Weekends are here to take time out and relax. Irene one of our activities team at loves nothing more than doing a pamper afternoon. Jackie said she loves having her nails done as when she was a child she used to bite them now they are long and beautiful nails.


School Visit for Easter Bonnet Parade

Residents were delighted by the visit from the year 3 and 6 pupils from Vigo Primary School who found time in their busy end of term schedule to search for Easter Eggs in our gardens and show off their Easter Bonnets. Easter eggs were duly hunted down and eaten, and then the pupils showed off their bonnets with a parade where a winner was chosen and presented with an Easter chick of their own, which it was very generously decided that they would use as their choir mascot.

Two residents were also celebrating birthdays and were given a chorus of 'happy birthday' by the classes which was a lovely touch. There was also a special moment that we loved when one resident was offered a bonnet to try on by one of the pupils and took them up on the suggestion with smiles all round!

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Song and Dance

There is nothing we love at Rothsay more than a good musical session and we have a whole range of wonderful entertainers and singers who come along to the home. The afternoons are always great fun with lots of interaction, including the odd bit of taking over the microphone, and certainly hardly an afternoon goes by without a group getting on their dancing shoes! There is nothing like music, singing and movement to lift the spirits and promote wellbeing so we won't be stopping any time soon.  

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Animal Magic

Everyone at Rothsay just loves our animal visits and they always generate lots of smiles all round! We regularly have our cuddly cavies in attendance and they are so perfectly portable in their little baskets that they can be taken wherever there is a resident who would like to see them and there is usually an orderly queue forming! The same can be said for Rag the PAT dog who with his owner regularly comes in and does the rounds of the home. This cheeky little chappie is so gentle and engages with everyone so wonderfully and he is definitely a firm home favourite. Thank you to all our animal visitors, we love seeing you. 

Helping Andover Food Bank to have an Eggscellent Easter!

Following an appeal for donations of Easter Eggs to be dropped off at the home, residents took them down to Andover foodbank where Chloe was delighted to receive them and add them to the all the other eggs that local businesses and organisations have also donated. They will now get incorporated into parcels that will start to go out next week in time for Easter and we hope that they will brighten the day for someone. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Andover foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis working in partnership with local agencies and professional care workers, and residents talked to Chloe about how we could support them at other times of year and help them with the amazing work that they do. In the meantime we wish Chloe and the team a very happy Easter.