Activities at Sherwood Court Care Home

Our home is always full of life, and we can thank our wonderful Activities Coordinators for this. Dedication to creating a unique and interesting activities programme is what sets us apart from other homes. We always take into consideration that some people would prefer to pursue their own interests, which is why our team strive to incorporative activities that cater to a wide range of tastes and hobbies. Our trips out are always fun and exciting as well, and residents are guaranteed to return with stories to tell their loved ones!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Sherwood Court Care Home

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Keeping active!

We had so much fun with our parachute games! It is a great way to stay fit and healthy and have some fun with our whole team. We played with balls and music and laughed a lot. Everyone joined in and held a handle on the parachute. After the games, we enjoyed a delicious milkshake and a fruit platter. We felt relaxed and happy. It was a wonderful day!

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Celebrating the King's Coronation

We got into the full swing of celebrating the King's coronation this afternoon! We enjoyed a feast of his favourite dishes, including the bean and spinach quiche. Residents decorated the dining rooms with red, white and blue. We watched the coronation ceremony on TV. It was a historic day and we felt proud to be part of it!

The Grace Notes

Here at Sherwood Court we are very lucky to have a wonderful choir, the Grace Notes, that visit three times a year and capture the hearts of the residents with their music and heavenly voices. With songs to meet everyone’s approval, a very fun filled afternoon with dancing and laughter from everyone and so much participation from staff and families. The residents voices were heard all over the home.

Coronation virtual talk

Across our services Residents had a wonderful time participating in an interactive virtual talk with Pippa Catterall, Professor of History and Policy at the University of Westminster, where we delved into the rich history of coronations.

During the talk, we explored fascinating topics such as the coronation chair, the crown, and other significant aspects related to King Charles' upcoming coronation. Our residents were thrilled to have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the memoirs of past coronations from 1937 and 1953, as well as learning about the coronation oath and what to expect from the ceremony, including the music, guests, and pageantry.

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Dancing Around The May Pole

Here at Sherwood Court are residents have been working hard on preparations for May Day. We celebrate this every year and it is always so much fun for all that take part. Residents have been making garlands of different colours to wear on the day and staff have taken part in this too by using colour that are special to them, from their home town colours or football team colours to gay pride rainbows on their head dress. Residents have helped to make and crown the May pole, and then it was time for the big day! Residents sat out in the sun and staff and family members got ready to dance around the May pole! Music played and residents shook bells as the garden was filled of fun and laughter

Gordon, a family member, said he had not danced around a May pole since he was 9 at school and Pam said she thoroughly enjoyed the fun as her husband watched. Residents said it was a special treat to see all the staff have so much fun.

Getting out and about

Today at Sherwood court, residents are getting out and about. We're off to Asda for a browse around the shop, to small the fresh bread, and pick out fruit for later, and some birthday cards. We finished off with a Mc Donald’s lunch requested by James then back for singing for joy with Abi. A lovely fun day had by all.