Activities at Snowdrop Place Care Home

Activities are an integral part of life at our care home. We want to ensure that the people we support have as much fun as possible during their time with us, so it’s important that our activities programme is created with the interests of residents in mind. Our skilled Activities Coordinators bring a certain uniqueness to the home that can’t be found anywhere else, and which is reflected in the activities they organise.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Gemma Moss

Activities Coordinator

Having started my journey as a carer, I am now thrilled to be supporting the activities for our wonderful residents here at Snowdrop Place. I love working with them to ensure we provide a full person-centred planner of amazing and engaging things for everyone to enjoy and be a part of

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Snowdrop Place Care Home

Employee of the month

We are delighted to announce that Alina Danetiu, our deputy manager, has been awarded the title of Employee of the Month for her exceptional contributions to our team at Snowdrop Place. Alina's outstanding dedication, hard work, and positive attitude have not only motivated and inspired her colleagues but also played a critical role in the success of our team here at Snowdrop Place. We are grateful for her unwavering commitment and congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition.



99 years young celebrated with a 99

Today we celebrated a significant milestone at Snowdrop Place, as our lovely resident, Iris, reached her 99th birthday. Our dedicated activities team, led by Gemma and Rachel, organised a unique and memorable celebration in honour of this momentous occasion. The festivities were made all the more special with the assistance of Sarah from Warrens Ice Cream.

Gemma and Rachel went above and beyond to create a truly exceptional experience for Iris, with the help of Sarah's classic Mr Whippy 99 ice cream van. The sight of the van parked outside Snowdrop Place brought immense joy to Iris, who was presented with a delicious Mr Whippy 99, complete with strawberry sauce, to celebrate her 99th birthday.

Our lovely residents joined in the celebrations and helped Iris mark her milestone birthday in true Mr Whippy style. The afternoon was filled with laughter, love, and joy, and it will remain a cherished memory.

At Snowdrop Place, we take pride in providing exceptional care to our residents, and we believe that these special moments are a testament to our commitment to their well-being. We are grateful to Gemma, Rachel, and Sarah for their efforts in making Iris's 99th birthday an unforgettable experience.

Stunning Artistic Addition to Snowdrop Place

We have installed a stunning sculpture designed by Tom Hiscocks. The intricate design captures the essence of the snowdrop flower. The sculpture is a beautiful representation of the care and compassion that Snowdrop Place embodies. It's a true testament to the power of art to inspire and uplift.

Snowdrop Place ,

National Story Telling Week

Many of the residents at Snowdrop Place care home have a knack of telling a great story or two, and National Storytelling Week is a perfect opportunity to experience the joy of storytelling.

Storytelling is one of the oldest art forms in the world so, to help keep the custom alive, we invited the local preschool & senior school over to share their favourite stories. The children from Deerpark Senior School paired up with residents and read their favourite books & listened to the tales told by the residents. Meanwhile the Pavilion Pirate Preschool children found a buddy within the home to read to them.


Flower Power

Residents at Snowdrop Place in Hedge End celebrated International Flower Day which took place on January 19th.

International Flower Day promotes the psychological boost that flowers can give to people. From growing and nurturing plants and flowers, to gifting flowers to show love and appreciation, and sometimes just the simple act of admiring their beauty – flowers have the power to make someone’s day.

Residents took part in flower-based activities throughout the day including flower arranging which was led by Audrey, one of the residents at Snowdrop Place, who has nearly 70 years' floristry experience. Audrey guided the group through how to create the perfect arrangement. Starting by soaking their oasis, adding in foliage, then carefully selecting the right flowers, all the residents were very happy with their finished products. Their collective knowledge about flowers gained from years of gardening experience was very impressive.

Monika Zytowiecka, General Manager at Snowdrop Place, said: “Our residents love everything to do with flowers! They all had a wonderful time flower arranging with Audrey. Our garden is a much loved space, residents really enjoy looking after the plants and flowers and watching them grow and change through the seasons. We don’t have many flowers to tend outside at the moment but the residents have enjoyed watching the spring buds make an appearance, especially our snowdrops.”

Thank you for Enriching our Lives

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Snowdrop Place care home in Hedge End celebrated National Activity Providers & Professionals Week, which took place from January 22-26. Residents and staff wanted to thank the wonderful activities team at the home, whose hard work and dedication make a real difference to the lives of the residents living there.

National Activity Providers & Professionals Week is an annual event to support activity professionals and thank them for all the many different varied activities they provide to residents and patients. Each and every member of the team at Snowdrop Place offers unique, tailored activities and entertainment to the residents every single day. They always go above and beyond their role and for this everyone at the home is truly grateful.

As part of the celebrations, activities staff were treated to delicious cake and gifted with beautiful bouquets of flowers.

Monika Zytowiecka, General Manager, said: “It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate National Activities Providers & Professionals Week and thank our fantastic activities teams for all their hard work by organising something for them for a change!”

Iris, a resident at Snowdrop Place, commented: “We’ve all had such a lovely time today, it really is a joy to be able to thank our wonderful activities coordinators for all that they do. They really make such a difference each and every day.”