Activities at Springvale Court Care Home
Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.
Jess Swinburne
Hi, My name is Jess and I am Activities Coordinator here at Springvale Court. I am delighted to join the team, joining in December 2023 but I have found my feet with ease. I spend time getting to know all of our residents and this helps me to arrange meaningful activities based on individual likes and interests. I love spending time with our residents, be it chatting one to one, small reminiscing groups or large group activities.
I am looking forward to learning and growing with Barchester and I am always open to any ideas for new and different activities so please stop and chat with me.
Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure
Activities and Events Partnerships
As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies
Life at Springvale Court Care Home
A virtual trip to Donkey Sanctuary
Across our services, Residents enjoyed a fantastic virtual tour of the Donkey Sanctuary Manchester. Residents were thrilled to meet the lovely herd of donkeys, including Henry and his best friend Tiny Tim and to learn more about their every day care. They were introduced to the sanctuary’s work and the impact they make to the lives of donkeys in need worldwide. The virtual experience was truly enjoyed by all.
Crafty Crew
We tried our hand at something a little different. It turns out we are all experts already. We created some pumpkins and ghosts/mummy's using string and glue and a balloon.
The residents really given their best efforts and you can tell as they turned out amazing! It was a bit of a messy activity, but everyone got stuck in and carefully wrapped the string around their balloon.
Teamwork was also encouraged here. The residents all chipped in to help each other as those pesky balloons kept floating away from us, but that's okay because it gave us all a chuckle.
Not So Spooky Ghosts
Scary ghosts are out, and cute ghosts are in! We created some fantastic ghosts using some white wool and pompoms for eyes.
One resident told me that "The ghost kinda looks cute" and we all agreed our ghosts were extremely cute. each resident involved really took the time to make sure they were doing each step correctly.
Of course, we spent some time having a lovely chit chat about anything and everything over a nice cuppa and some biscuits.
A Special Moment
Mandy and a fellow resident shared a very special moment, they had a little boogie together in the corridor. They left all cares behind for a few moments whilst they focused on each other's dancing.
It was a beautiful moment to witness...
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
We had a trip down to our local ambulance station where we delivered some flowers, biscuits and chocolates for all the staff. We were lucky enough to have a little look around and got to see the rapid response cars.
The residents talked about how they had not seen the inside of an ambulance station before and how interesting it was to have a look about.
Roald Dahl
At Springvale Court we celebrated Roald Dahl day by making our very own giant peaches inspired by James and the giant peach.
The ladies involved were doing a brilliant job but half way through noticed the balloon we were using had a small puncture meaning that it was slowly deflating.
We all had a good laugh about it and found it rather funny that not one of us had noticed. We talked about Roald Dahl and if anyone had a favourite story, we had to get a list up as we couldn't remember them all.
Upcoming events
Hello November! As the leaves begin to fall we have an exciting month ahead.
Countdown to Christmas
Counting down the days to Christmas with a fun filled month ahead and we extend a warm invitation for you to join us as we step into the festive spirit!
Monthly Dementia Cafe
Join us for our monthly dementia cafe which takes place on the last Friday of each month.
Volunteers - Could you make a difference?
There are endless ways to get involved and we'd love to hear from you!
Calling all Emergency Services
Calling all heros! Come and take a break with us and enjoy a warm drink and a slice of homemade cake.
Knit and Natter
Come and join us at our weekly knitting club and make new friends - all welcome.