Activities at Collingtree Park Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising a mix of activities and events for residents and the local community to get involved in, including trips out to local places of interest in our minibus and visits from entertainers and musicians. It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as they can, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities as best as possible, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join in with activities and events as often as they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Activities Coordinator

Lucia Pivetta

Activities Coordinator

Hello, my name is Lucia and I'm one of the Activities Coordinators here at Collingtree Park care home. My role is to enrich the lives of our residents by providing stimulating and person-centred activities. We offer something for everyone, including arts and crafts, games and live entertainment including visits to places of interest in the local area. I love to provide one-to-one time and sensory activities with residents who need a little more support.

Getting to know our residents better is so important, and through regular meetings with family and friends I can gain a greater understanding of their loved ones' interests and life prior to joining the Collingtree Park community.

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact the activities team direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Collingtree Park Care Home

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Sowing Sunflower Seeds

Gardening club is up and running!

We enjoyed planting sunflower seeds and discussing what else we can grown in the Collingtree Park gardens raised beds. If you have green fingers and would like to support our gardening club, please call the activities team on 01604 763 623 to find out more.

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Celebrating All The Amazing Women

Today is International Women's Day 2024. It’s our opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women.

Our lovely residents enjoyed sharing stories about the women who have inspired them, including women in history and women within their own families - and even themselves!

When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. When women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment.

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March Dementia Cafe - Pie Week!

This month our Dementia Cafe celebrated British Pie week; with residents and volunteers coming together to make our own lemon meringue pie! As well as making the pies, we spent time sharing our own baking stories, reminiscing about the good old days and as Pam said, "making everything from scraps and scratch!".

Our dementia cafe is hosted on the first Wednesday of every month, and we welcome you to join us for tea and cake and to gain an insight of the care and support we provide to those living with dementia.







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Happy birthday Joyful Joan!

On her birthday, Joan enjoyed a visit from her family, staff and fellow resident and home neighbour Nannette. Chef Jennifer baked and decorated Joan’s scrumptious cream sponge cake decorated with fresh fruit and chocolate chards.

We all enjoyed a good old sing-a-long to Happy Birthday and sharing a piece of cake with our afternoon tea.

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Happy St David's Day

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

Our fabulous residents had a fantastic day celebrating St. David's Day with Andy Salter. We enjoyed an afternoon of music and dancing from our residents, with one Jean on the keyboard and another showing off her dance moves with staff trying to keep up!

Both communities, friends and family came together for an afternoon of singing, dancing and most of all making fabulous memories.

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Bingo Bonanza!

This week we joined fellow keen dabbers from over 250 Barchester care homes and hospitals across the whole of the UK, including Wales, Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Wight, to compete in the biggest game of bingo Barchester has ever seen!

The inaugural Barchester Big Bingo Bonanza took place on 27th February 2024 when Collingtree Park got super competitive and took on its sister homes from all over the country to find out which Barchester home or hospital was a dab hand at bingo. It was eyes down for a full house as the homes battled it out to find out who would prevail.

General Manager, Nikki Allen said: “We’ve got some real bingo fanatics at our home, we are very competitive - our residents love taking part in anything where winning is involved, you could hear a pin drop in here when we were all playing.”

Our participating residents said: “It was such a fun afternoon, we love a game of bingo. It's amazing how competitive everyone gets especially when there's sweet treat prizes involved!”

Upcoming events

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are inviting friends, families and members of the local community to join our residents and staff for a Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Wear It Pink Day - All Welcome

Join us 'Wear it Pink' on 18th October as we raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. They'll be plenty of pink cakes and buns on offer - All Welcome!

Newsletter August 2024

Newsletter Summer Edition 2

Please take at look at our latest news from in and around Collingtree Park care home.


Key Workers - Take a Break!

If you are part of the emergency services or a community healthcare professional in need of a break, drop in at any time complimentary refreshments and a warm welcome await you.

Community Church Service

Join our Monthly Church Service on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.30am courtesy of Vicar James from Church of St Columba, Collingtree, Northampton.