Activities at Collingtree Park Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising a mix of activities and events for residents and the local community to get involved in, including trips out to local places of interest in our minibus and visits from entertainers and musicians. It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as they can, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities as best as possible, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join in with activities and events as often as they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Activities Coordinator

Lucia Pivetta

Activities Coordinator

Hello, my name is Lucia and I'm one of the Activities Coordinators here at Collingtree Park care home. My role is to enrich the lives of our residents by providing stimulating and person-centred activities. We offer something for everyone, including arts and crafts, games and live entertainment including visits to places of interest in the local area. I love to provide one-to-one time and sensory activities with residents who need a little more support.

Getting to know our residents better is so important, and through regular meetings with family and friends I can gain a greater understanding of their loved ones' interests and life prior to joining the Collingtree Park community.

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact the activities team direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Collingtree Park Care Home


Monthly Church Service

Our residents have enjoyed a visit from Vicar James, who joins us every month for a church service in our home. This month the residents sang hymns (and even used Alexa for backing music!). They also shared things they are thankful for this month, and shared a prayer for those they felt needed it.

Thank you James for continuing to support Collingtree. This is a community church service, if you would like to join us please see poster below for more details.

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Let's Get Moving!

This month's dementia cafe was all about "Get Barchester Moving", a fundraising initiative to encourage fitness in our care homes and to support The Barchester Foundation. During our cafe, we designed and painted T-shirts, which staff will be wearing during our 'moving minutes' as we cycle to Leicester Square to raise money and miles for our home.

To find out more about the Barchester Foundation, visit the website


Happy Birthday Beautiful 'Barbara'

Happy 70th Birthday to beautiful Barbara!

Today Barbara has enjoyed 'queen for the day' treatment; with singing Rod Stewart, eating delicious cakes and having cuddles and presents from her lovely family.

Barbara said "I couldn't wish for more, it's you lot that make days like this so special".

Whilst thanking everyone for their presents, Barbara said she really was 'so happy everyone could come' and that she loves being surrounded by her favourite people.

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Gardening Club Sensory Session

Gardening club is in full swing at Collingtree Park!

Thank you to Andy for delivering a sensory session all about the different herbs we grow in our garden, including; parsley, basil and mint! Residents enjoyed sharing their favourite recipes, as well as hearing about some of the many other herbs and their uses outside of the kitchen during our informative session!

Next week we will check in on our sweet peas as well as the Busy Lizzies- so stay tuned for updates.

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Beautiful Barnetts!

Another big thank you to wonderful Bev for making our residents feel beautiful. Barbara said "It's been ages since I've had my hair done and I feel so much lighter - and I only had an inch off!".

Bev offers hairdressing services to all of our residents and seniors in the local community - Simply call the home to book an appointment.

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Weekly G​​​​​​​ardening Club

Our weekly gardening club is up and running and we are so pleased! To kickstart our club, our residents have been planting Busy Lizzies and sweet peas for our garden.

Gardener Andy, supported residents with planting the flowers, as well as building a trellis for our sweet peas to climb. He said "We will check up on our flowers every week to see their progress, and hopefully the sweet peas will have climbed a bit more every week".

Betty said "I love being out in the garden, and there's something about planting new flowers that makes you feel happy, like Summer is just around the corner!".

We will be sharing our weekly progress of our plants and from this week we will have our plant of the week to start educating our new gardening club members.

Upcoming events

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are inviting friends, families and members of the local community to join our residents and staff for a Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Wear It Pink Day - All Welcome

Join us 'Wear it Pink' on 18th October as we raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. They'll be plenty of pink cakes and buns on offer - All Welcome!

Newsletter August 2024

Newsletter Summer Edition 2

Please take at look at our latest news from in and around Collingtree Park care home.


Key Workers - Take a Break!

If you are part of the emergency services or a community healthcare professional in need of a break, drop in at any time complimentary refreshments and a warm welcome await you.

Community Church Service

Join our Monthly Church Service on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.30am courtesy of Vicar James from Church of St Columba, Collingtree, Northampton.