Activities at Mallard Court Care Home

We provide a wide range of group activities and individual one to one activities to meet our residents needs including musical entertainers, PAT dog visits, minibus outings, themed events and much more!

We take a person centred approach when planning each individuals activities so they can achieve a feeling of self worth and well-being.

We hold monthly meetings with the residents and also regular meetings with their family and friends, discussing any ideas that they may have, and also any problems that their may have. Both of our activities coordinators, Steve and Lynne, have completed NAPA Activity Workers Level 2 Award training, and are continually seeking new ideas so we can ensure life in the home is as varied and interesting as possible. We encourage strong community links with the local schools, colleges and local charities in the community. Steve is supported also by his dogs, Tia, Pebbles and Oscar who give great pleasure to the residents in our home, and can often be seen either on a persons lap or being taken for a walk around the home. Many of the visitors that come into Mallard Court commented that it is so friendly and welcoming.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Steve Moss

Lifestyle Coordinator

Hi, my name is Steve, and I have been a Lifestyle Coordinator at Mallard Court since 2006, and have achieved the NAPA (National Association of Activity Providers) Level 2 Award in Activity Provision in the Care Sector.

We provide a wide range of activities for the people we support, as well as for their families and friends. I also love to have one-to-one chats with residents who like to reminisce about their lives over a cup of tea and some biscuits.

We have our own minibus and have fun days out sight-seeing, having a picnic or going a local pub for a drink and a meal. We also arrange for local artists to provide musical entertainment for everyone at Mallard Court.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Mallard Court Care Home


Tea Dance

We host a tea dance every three months or so and, for our most recent one, we were joined by organist, Michael, who is very talented and plays a wide range of favourite tunes for residents who are up for a good ol' singalong.

East Riding Care home Games

East Riding Care home Games

4 residents from Mallard Court recently completed in the East Riding Care Home Games and made it to the 'Grand Final!'

Congratulations to all who were involved at the regional event and the East Riding event.

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Care Home Open Day at Mallard Court

Care Home Open Day was definitely a success here at Mallard Court! The theme for the day was Hawaiian fancy dress and our stalls included a MND charity cake stall, a Residents craft stall, Ice Cream & Donuts, BBQ, Raffle & Tombola and children's play pool & sand pit.

It was a fun day for our residents, families, friends & staff! The Mayor and Mayoress attended and their interaction with everyone was brilliant!

We raised £330 on the day of which we splitting between Dementia UK and the residents fund. Thank you to all who came on the day and made it a huge success.

St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day

We held a colouring competition to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Star singer, Frank Martin, sang lots of classic love songs on Valentine's Day for the folks at Mallard Court. There was lots of red roses, ballons and, most importantly, love!

An apple a day keeps the… birds happy

An apple a day keeps the… birds happy

Residents, family and friends at Mallard Court enjoyed a morning creating nature-themed arts and crafts in the build-up to the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch 2017.

Apple bird feeders were made for the home’s garden and for visitors to take away to put in their own outdoor space. Young visitors also decorated hedgehogs made from paperback books and painted puffin masks.

Families taking part were also encouraged to feed the birds in their own gardens and to sign up to the Big Garden Birdwatch. This annual event is a highlight in the RSPB calendar and takes place over the final weekend in January. The public are asked to spend an hour recording the wildlife they see in their garden then send their findings to the charity which uses the data to find out how different birds and small mammals are doing. Last year, over a half million people across the UK got involved.

Upcoming events


Hello September!  We extend a warm invitation for you to join us throughout the month, all welcome.

Dementia Cafe

We know how important it is supporting our local community and extend an invitation to join us at our monthly dementia cafe, last Tuesday of the month from 2.00 pm.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Come and take a break on us! Calling all emergency personnel - ambulance, police, district nurses - come and enjoy a drink and slice of cake on your break.

Tea and Tour

We welcome you to join us for tea and a tour, 2nd Wednesday of the month and find out what we have to offer you or a loved one here at Mallard Court.

Coffee Morning

Come along and make new friends at our popular coffee morning - 1st Tuesday of the month from 11.00 am. All welcome.

Volunteers - Could you make a difference?

We recognise the impact a Volunteer can make on the lives of our residents, do you have any spare time? For more information we'd love to hear from you.