Activities at Moreton Hill Care Home

Our home is always full of life, and we can thank our wonderful Activities Coordinators for this. Dedication to creating a unique and interesting activities programme is what sets us apart from other homes. We always take into consideration that some people would prefer to pursue their own interests, which is why our team strive to incorporative activities that cater to a wide range of tastes and hobbies. Our trips out are always fun and exciting as well, and residents are guaranteed to return with stories to tell their loved ones!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Jackie Chillingworth

Activities Lead

Hello.  I am Jackie, the Lead Activity Co-Ordinator at Moreton Hill. I have worked for Barchester for over 10 years. Now, together with my team and  the staff at our beautiful home, our aim is to help all residents live life to the best they can by bringing meaningful and enriching activities into their lives.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Moreton Hill Care Home


Grow Your Own!

Nature and nurture are marvellous. Resident Iris combined the two when she took a tomato seed from her salad, carefully placed it onto wet kitchen roll and let it germinate. Now a fully thriving tomato plant in pride of place on the sunny window sill.

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Wear it Purple Day

This week Moreton Hill held a "Wear it Purple" day to raise awareness and funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. Residents decorated cupcakes and wore purple with some of the team also wearing fancy dress.

It was a great fun day with resident, Jean winning the resident prize and Steve from the care team the staff prize, both were very happy with their bottle of wine!

We raised over £40 for this wonderful charity, who provide a range of services for those living with dementia and their families along with ongoing research projects. Thank you to everyone who supported the day.

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Special Visitors on Glorious Day

What a glorious day! The sun was streaming through every window at Moreton Hill as residents enjoyed a visit from Lizzie and Ruby. As always they were made a real fuss of with cuddles and treats. Thank you so much Gaby for these pet therapy visits, they are very special dogs.

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Cotton Bud Painting

The Moreton Hill activities team have some wonderful ideas and with our creative residents these ideas are bought to life. Lorna recently ran a cotton bud painting session. As the photos show the pictures produced are really beautiful and how wonderfully seasonal as we all also enjoy the blossom outside.


Talk from Arboricultural Association

Moreton Hill residents enjoyed a fantastic talk yesterday from the Arboricultural Association based in Standish. John Parker the charities Chief Executive took time out of his bank holiday to give a fascinating talk about trees in the area and the Stonehouse Community Arboretum. John also bought in a specimen sapling grown from a seed from Hiroshima.

Not only was the talk very interesting, it gave residents a chance to find out more about our local community, we will be spotting some of the trees talked about when we are next out in the minibus.

As the leading organisation in the UK for tree care professionals they have over 3000 members. Their vision is supporting and promoting the tree care community for a society that better appreciates and cares for trees.

Moreton Hill in Bloom

The Moreton Hill courtyard has everchanging colourful displays through the seaons. The wisteria is in bloom and really is beautiful.