Activities at Mount Vale Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising a mix of activities and events for residents and the local community to get involved in, including trips out to local places of interest in our minibus and visits from PAT dogs, entertainers and musicians. It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as possible, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities as best as possible, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join with activities and events as often as they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Mount Vale Care Home

Colour Therapy

This is one of our residents, Theo, enjoying doing some of our Mount Vale quiz and colour therapy books in our café

We are rated 'Good'!

Mount Vale passed a recent Care Quality Commission inspection with an overall 'Good' rating after being praised for a responsive, safe, effective, caring and well-led service.

The CQC inspected us on 12th February 2020 (the report was released on 1st April 2020) and rated the home as 'Good' overall.

The report stated that, “Communication was effective. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. People ate nutritious, well cooked food, and said they enjoyed their meals. Their health needs were identified, and staff worked with other professionals, to ensure these needs were met."

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible!

Community Spirit

Residents and colleagues at Mount Vale were delighted to answer the door to accept a special delivery from their local pizza eatery, Pizza Express. The boxes were filled with delicious pizzas, with a variety of toppings for everyone to enjoy, and in recognition of the home's hard working, dedicated team supporting residents during this difficult period. 

On behalf of Mount Vale, residents and colleagues would like to pass on their gratitude for being considered at this time of uncertainty, and hope everyone stays safe and well. 

Messages of Kindness

The children who usually visit from South Ottenington School have sent letters to our staff and residents to tell them they really being able to visit our home. We photocopied these letters and made a booklet, so all residents cot a copy to read, which they all loved. This has now become a regular thing!

Chair Exercise

Residents enjoyed chair exercises followed by a tipple! We are encouraging staff to join in along with our General Manager, Helen Lewis. Everyone loved having a giggle!

Nutrition Week

To kick off Nutrition Week, Moira. our chef. has been making smoothies, flavoured waters and delicious fruit platters. We will be holding an afternoon tea party later this week, where we will be showcasing all the delicious modified food we have on offer.

Upcoming events

Could you be a Volunteer?

Do you have any spare time and could make a difference? If you are interested in Volunteering we'd love to hear from you.

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Are you looking for a place to host a meeting? For more information on what Mount Vale has to offer get in touch with a member of our friendly team.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Calling all emergency personnel - come and take a break with us!  There may be a cake or two available .....

Community Cafe

We extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our popular community cafe -