Activities at Wimborne Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Zoe Freeman

Lead Activities Coordinator

I have been working in care since 2019 and love the industry. I came from working on cruise ships and running events and activities there which has set me up to be a successful activities coordinator in care. You will never see me without a smile on my face and always bring my fun and bubbly personality to my job. My favourite part of my job is making people cheerful  and help make their wishes come true to show people that age is just a number and we can have fun no matter what!

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Wimborne Care Home

Where the Wild Things Are

Wimborne decided to focus on wildlife, from making bird feeders to building a bug hotel. Residents went on a scavenger hunt around the grounds of Wimborne collecting all sorts of twigs, ferns etc. to create a comfy home for bugs. This was thoroughly enjoyed and we are looking forward to seeing what creepy crawlies decide to book in.

Paint a Bug for Wimborne

Wimborne invited the children of Hayling Island to paint a bug in celebration of National Children’s Gardening Week.

We had a fantastic response with all sorts of brightly coloured rock bugs arriving to Wimborne. Residents were delighted with them and were keen to paint a few themselves. All the bugs will be making their way into Wimborne’s garden.

Certificates and prizes were given to all that took part.

VE Day Celebrations

Staff and residents enjoyed decorating the home with lots of bunting, flags and memorabilia pictures of the celebrations had in the streets 75years ago. Newspaper hats were made by residents and worn on the day, whilst activity and admin staff came in dressed as land girls.

VE day photo booth created lovely surround for some great celebratory pictures. In the afternoon quizzes, word searches were played whilst we all enjoyed a lovely selection of homemade cakes with a cuppa.

103rd Birthday Celebration

Wimborne Care Home happily celebrated the 103rd birthday of Doreen on the 13th May. Wimborne was keen to ensure that Doreen had a special day and decided on Tea for Two. A personalised invitation was made inviting the birthday girl and one other resident to attend room 39 at 3pm. Both ladies have become very good friends whilst being residents at Wimborne Care Home in Hayling Island.

The room was decorated with fresh flowers in Doreen’s favourite colours, bunting was hung and tea time accessories placed around to give a real tea shop feel. We then arranged a delivery of miniature cakes, fresh strawberries, clotted cream and freshly made scones from a local business on Hayling Island. Both ladies sat at the table and enjoyed a pot of tea and treats whilst looking out over Wimborne’s lovely garden and having a good old chit chat. 

Doreen’s celebration was shared in Hayling Herald Newspaper.

A Word of Thanks from Wimborne

Lovely little bags of starburst sweets were handed out to staff. Each bag had a rainbow shooting star picture with the words ‘We are bursting to thank you for being a star’ written on the back.

The bags had been made by Lynn, Head of Activities and given out by manager Shelley Watts to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment during this difficult time. Residents and their families have also sent us lots of lovely messages.

Thank you from all the staff.

National Tea Day at Wimborne

Wimborne celebrated national tea day in the conservatory. Whilst enjoying traditional Victoria sponge and chocolate cake with a variety of different teas both hot and cold. We enjoyed a selection of poetry about tea and also were fed facts all about tea, where it comes from and how it was made. Residents mentioned that they had learnt a lot.

One of the residents’ favourite poems was - A Perfect Blend, written by Stacy Laine 2000,

''A dash of love and kindness

To last throughout the day

One spoon of creativity

To use in any way

Two heaping spoons of laughter

Adds a special touch

Combine it with a smile

You can never put too much

If you choose to add a twist

You can always add a  friend

Stir these things together and you’ll have

A Perfect Blend''