Activities at Wimborne Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Zoe Freeman

Lead Activities Coordinator

I have been working in care since 2019 and love the industry. I came from working on cruise ships and running events and activities there which has set me up to be a successful activities coordinator in care. You will never see me without a smile on my face and always bring my fun and bubbly personality to my job. My favourite part of my job is making people cheerful  and help make their wishes come true to show people that age is just a number and we can have fun no matter what!

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Wimborne Care Home

National Cream Tea Day

National Cream Tea Day

Residents at Wimborne were really looking forward to National Cream Tea Day. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a delicious spread of various scones, including the traditional plain scone with clotted cream and jam. Residents all got together in the dining room to enjoy the delicious afternoon cream tea and agreed that everyday should be National Cream Tea Day.

Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day

Everybody at Wimborne got into the celebrations of Armed Forces Day. We held a remembrance service in the morning, followed by a recreation of the sea of poppies. Local singer, Karen Williams, also performed in the afternoon whilst enjoying a nice cup of tea and a slice of delicious of cake. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Pub Night

Pub Night

Lynn and Kerry recently held a pub night for all of the lovely residents. There was a selection of the residents favorites drinks and snacks, including Guinness, pork scratchings and peanuts. Everybody got the chance to enter the General Knowledge Quiz, and the night was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Wild Science

Wild Science

Residents were delighted to hear that Wild Science will once again be visiting us for the afternoon with their wonderful selection of various small animals & reptiles, including Wilma the pygmy hedgehog, Trevor the snake and Victor the rabbit. All of the animals were given lots of attention, especially Wilma, which is the residents' new favourite.

Royal Wedding Celebrations

Royal Wedding Celebrations

Everybody at Wimborne joined in with the Royal Wedding celebrations by watching the Royal Wedding live on the television, which was shortly followed by an afternoon tea with a slice of delicious wedding cake. Residents all commented on how beautiful Meghan looked and wished the happy couple a long and happy marriage.

Knit & Natter Group

Knit & Natter Group

We host a knit & natter group once a week in the lounge. Residents are able to knit whatever they fancy, such as scarfs, blankets and knitted animals, whilst enjoying a good ol' natter over a cup of tea, cake and biscuits.