Activities at Collingtree Park Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising a mix of activities and events for residents and the local community to get involved in, including trips out to local places of interest in our minibus and visits from entertainers and musicians. It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as they can, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities as best as possible, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join in with activities and events as often as they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Activities Coordinator

Lucia Pivetta

Activities Coordinator

Hello, my name is Lucia and I'm one of the Activities Coordinators here at Collingtree Park care home. My role is to enrich the lives of our residents by providing stimulating and person-centred activities. We offer something for everyone, including arts and crafts, games and live entertainment including visits to places of interest in the local area. I love to provide one-to-one time and sensory activities with residents who need a little more support.

Getting to know our residents better is so important, and through regular meetings with family and friends I can gain a greater understanding of their loved ones' interests and life prior to joining the Collingtree Park community.

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact the activities team direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Collingtree Park Care Home

Flower Arranging

Flower Arranging

We had a lovely morning of flower arranging, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved. This was also a great sensory activity for residents; they loved smelling the sweet flowers and talking about the bright colours.

World Book Day

World Book Day

We decided to do something a bit different for world book day this year; we recycled old books and tried book folding. Book folding is a simple and relaxing activity that everyone picked up quickly. The end results were beautiful!

Gentlemen's Club

Gentlemen's Club

Our Gentlemen's Club made bird feeders ready for the spring birds. We all had a great time making ‘fat cakes’ whilst watching a David Attenborough bird documentary. We can’t wait to see what lovely birds our feeders bring to our beautiful garden.

Friends Reunited

Friends Reunited

Gwenyth is a new resident here at Collingtree Park. Part of getting to know a new resident is talking about their memories and life history. Gwenyth told us that she used to work at Adnit’s, which was a factory here in Northampton. It was later when we realised that a resident named Margaret, who lives in our Memory Lane community, also used to work at the same place. When telling Gwenyth about Margaret about this, it turned out that they had been friends for years and knew each other very well.

Gwenyth had been asking some of the carers if she could meet up with Margaret, so on Thursday 2nd March, we reunited the two ladies. We went to Green’s Coffee Shop here in Northampton, which is just a short walk from Collingtree Park. The ladies were so glad to see each other after more than 30 years apart. We all had hot chocolate together and spoke about how they used to live on the same street and work at the same place.

They both shared many laughs and memories about past times. When they came back into Collingtree they told everyone what a wonderful time they had.

Pancake Day

Pancake Day

We all had a great morning flipping pancakes! Everyone had a go at seeing how many times they could flip them and how high they could get them into the air. Joyce flipped her pancake 15 times before dropping it and Frank did a great job of getting his high into the air. So much fun and giggles were had - even if we did get pancake everywhere! 

Love is in the air

Love is in the air

Valentine’s has been a busy day for us here at Collingtree park. We started the day off with a big breakfast, with heart shaped eggs, sausages and toast, as well as lots of other yummy things. We baked heart shaped treats and then wrote out cards to give to our loved ones. We finished off the day with a lovely afternoon tea in a beautifully decorated room, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We handed out our cards and the men also handed out flowers.

Upcoming events

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are inviting friends, families and members of the local community to join our residents and staff for a Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Wear It Pink Day - All Welcome

Join us 'Wear it Pink' on 18th October as we raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. They'll be plenty of pink cakes and buns on offer - All Welcome!

Newsletter August 2024

Newsletter Summer Edition 2

Please take at look at our latest news from in and around Collingtree Park care home.


Key Workers - Take a Break!

If you are part of the emergency services or a community healthcare professional in need of a break, drop in at any time complimentary refreshments and a warm welcome await you.

Community Church Service

Join our Monthly Church Service on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.30am courtesy of Vicar James from Church of St Columba, Collingtree, Northampton.