Activities at Melbourn Springs Care Home

Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is a major focus of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat will always be welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Melbourn Springs Care Home

With Helen Froggett of the Accountancy Practice , ,

Melbourn Springs and the Royston Business Network

Our Home Services Advisor Dan always enjoys representing Melbourn Springs at the Royston Business Network weekly breakfast where local businesses come together. This week Dan learnt even more from Helen Froggett about the oustanding work of The Accountancy Practice and that the company has reached the finals in the Hertfordshire Business Awards for Best Family Business - thoroughly well deserved!

The RBN gathers at the Royston Heath Sports Club every Thursday morning and includes business advice, guest speakers, weekly highlights, business news and charity events are heavily supported too!

For more information about how to join RBN and all the amazing things that the group does please contact Dave Winkworth (Chair) on 07961 590 154 or email

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Marketing Suite opening celebration

Royston Town Council Mayor, Councillor Robert Inwood and Jose Hales, District Councillor for Melbourn at South Cambridgeshire District Council joined guests from the local community at our official Marketing Suite opening at Melbourn Springs.

Pictures of old Melbourn were gifted by Peter Simmonett and Ann Dekkers of the local Melbourn Magazine and the Melbourn History Group - these amazing pictures will also be framed and feature in the rooms of the first residents too! 

Peter and Ann also kindly donated a history of Melbourn presentation which is currently on display in our Lifestyle Enrichment room for all of our home visitors to see.

It was lovely for so many of our new friends from the community of Melbourn and the surrounding areas to join us for such a special occasion. The feedback has been amazing and all of our guests said that they were extremely impressed with Melbourn Springs and cannot wait to visit again!

Our Marketing Suite is open between 10am - 5pm Tuesday to Sunday and from 12pm – 8pm on Thursdays. Tea and Tours of our beautiful new home are always availiable - no appointment necessary!

Virtual Dementia Tour team training

What a hugely humbling and informative experience! The Melbourn Springs team were fortunate to experience the Virtual Dementia Tour - courtesy of the Melbourn Community Hub.

The experience enabled the team to gain a deeper understanding and a greater insight into the world of Dementia to ensure that our residents receive the best care possible. At Barchester the training never stops to ensure that our staff are the best trained in the sector.

National Air Ambulance Week fundraising

The Melbourn Springs team had a super day fundraising at the hugely popular Bury Lane Farm Shop for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

The East Anglian Air Ambulance exists to save lives by delivering highly skilled doctors and critical care paramedics by air or car to seriously ill or injured people in the region.

General Manager Karen and her team were so pleased to have been able to support this amazing charity during National Air Ambulance Week and build on the special relationship that has been forged. For more information about this special week please visit or for more information about the amazing work of the East Anglian Air Ambulance.



Community naming competition

Melbourn Springs Manager, Karen Allen and her team were speaking to local villagers at the Melbourn Hub who came up with lots of ideas for naming our 5 home communities. The entries have been piling in and for your chance to get involved in our competition simply email our Home Services Advisor Dan Amis at with your suggestions and we will pop them in our suggestion box. All will be revealed soon!

Making Melbourn even safer

Making Melbourn even safer

Our Home Services Advisor Dan had the pleasure of meeting PCSO James Lynch this week at the Melbourn Community Hub. James plays a massive part in helping make neighbourhoods safer and tackles many different crime issues faced in the local community. Watch out for our safer neighbourhood and anti-scam awareness event alongside James and other organisations which will be happening at Melbourn Springs very soon! 

Upcoming events

Family Music and Movement session

Melbourn Springs are proud to announce that we are linking up with Little Wiggles and will be hosting a Family Music and Movement session on Wednesday 9th October at 10:30.

Blue Light Breakfast

If you are part of the Emergency Services or a Community District Nurse, drop into Melbourn Springs every second Thursday of the month and grab a free breakfast to start your day

Hearing Help Presentation

Melbourn Springs are pleased to welcome Cambridgeshire Deaf Association to come and give a presentation on Hearing Help, followed by a Q&A session. Refreshments provided.

Eye Care Presentation

Melbourn Springs are pleased to welcome CamSight to come and give a presentation on Eye Care and Vision Support followed by a Q&A session. Refreshments will be provided.