Activities at Plas-Y-Dderwen Care Home
At Plas-Y-Dderwen Care Home, our Lifestyle/Activities staff endeavour to provide a wide range of activities that suit all residents' physical and mental needs. There are regular minibus trips to nearby places of interest, including visits to local beaches and shows. We also have a film club, gentlemen's club, arts and crafts club, with musical entertainment once a week. Activities are very important to the staff of Plas-Y-Dderwen, making the home a fun and active place for all the residents who live here.
Lisa Peart
Hello, I am Lisa and I have recently joined the team at Plas y Dderwen. I have worked in the care sector since 2009 and I have a passion for working with people.
Although I am new to this role, I have always enjoyed being creative and bringing a smile and a sense of joy to others.
I am looking forward to developing an Activities programme that will bring enrichment to residents' lives through meaningful Activities.
Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure
Activities and Events Partnerships
As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies
Life at Plas-Y-Dderwen Care Home
Fun Day at Plas Y Dderwen
The managers here at Plas Y Dderwen wanted to have a day that would make the staff feel valued for all their hard work, so what could be better than to combine this with one of Wale's favourite celebrations 'St David's day'.
A great day was had by everyone, staff and residents with even family members turning up to join in the fun. the highlight of the day was our managers deciding to join in the fun and allowing themselves to be pelted with custard soaked sponges.
This activity took place before the lockdown.
Memory Lane
There were so many different designs and so much hard work put into these boxes in the carer's own time. These memory boxes are an important part of reminding residents of their key memories. Gwen won first prize for her efforts. Gwen's box contained maps, pictures, buses, medals and past certificates. Nula, her manager, gave all carers thank you presents, but Gwen won the biggest prize of all. Well done, Gwen!
Carers Week
Plas-Y-DDerwen held a day of celebrations to thank care staff at the home, who make a real difference to the lives of those in their care.
Staff were treated to wristbands, postcards of thanks, sweets and chocolates. Residents also gave thanks by with a small gifts of appeciation. Staff also sent postcards to family members who have been unable to visit due to lockdown, but whom also give so much support to their loved ones, and carers in the home.
Embracing Technology
During this time of isolation, it would be understandable to believe that our residents are cut off from their loved ones. In the physical way, that's true, but thanks to technology, our residents are able to keep in touch with all their families.
Ladies and gentlemen in their 90s have been introduced to the wonders of video chatting, and they are loving it.
Relatives know that their loved ones are only a phone call away, and this seems to bring some relief at a worrying time.
One of our residents, Eric, has such a big family that he had two calls at the same time, and masterfully managed to hold two separate conversations at the same time. It was suggested that Eric might like a job on reception, but he laughed and said he was happy with retirement.
VE Day Celebrations
Staff dressed up to honour the hard working service men and women of the time, and the residents took the opportunity to swap wartime experiences and the joy they all felt at this time 75 years ago when the war ended.
Easter Bunnies
Just before Easter, the staff and residents were very happy to welcome 4 little new additions to our home. It turns out that one of our ‘female’ rabbits was not actually a female, much to our surprise.
Upcoming events
Countdown to Christmas
Take a look at all of the wonderful festive events and activities throughout December. Please feel free to join our celebrations. Contacts us for more information.