Activities at White Lodge Care Home

Our Activities Coordinators here at White Lodge enjoy the fulfillment of helping residents feel important and a part of something. Meaningful moments are created through laughter and comfort. A varied activities programme is offered for the betterment of residents' bodies and minds, including music for health, 'Oomph' sessions and chair Zumba, in addition to coffee and cake groups that all inevitably lead to giggles and old fashioned singalongs. Also, we organise parties, trips out, walks in the country, bus outings and wonderful entertainers to visit our home. A sneaky tipple is always welcomed with cheese and crackers and, at the end of the day, it is important to go home knowing our activities have made a difference.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at White Lodge Care Home

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Pancake Day

The staff and residents at White Lodge care home in have been mixing up batter and flipping pancakes all morning in preparation for their annual Pancake Day celebrations. White Lodge has marked this year’s Pancake Day with pancake flipping competition. The residents were very keen to give it a go, we all did good so it was very hard to say who was the winner! so they all had pancakes during their tea afterwards.

This afternoon at white lodge, the residents and the staff got together in the dining room where we had plenty of options like golden syrup, honey, lemon, sugar, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, chocolate sauce as their pancake filling to choose from! As we all like our pancakes in our own way, we filled our own pancake and enjoyed it with a cup of tea!

Richard, head chef at the home, flipped more than 100 pancakes, serving them up with sweet and savoury fillings for all the eager staff and residents.

He said: “My secret to the best pancakes is all in the whipping. Give it some elbow grease when mixing the batter and you’ll get perfect pancakes every time. I like experimenting with the fillings – the residents’ favourites are spinach and cheese, chocolate spread and banana and of course, good old fashioned lemon and sugar!”

A resident commented: “I absolutely love pancake day, it takes me back to my childhood when my mother used to make us all pancakes and we’d all wait in turn for ours hoping the batter would stretch to another. We’ve had so much fun reminiscing and sharing our favourite recipes for fillings.”

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Alpaca Visit

Today the Alpacas came to visit our residents at White Lodge. The alpacas met the residents who were waiting for them in the lounge and then walked through the corridors, even went to the rooms to visit the residents who are bed bound and wanted to stroke the alpacas.

Pets can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity and help them learn.

Also the children’s from Swindon cub came to visit our home to see the Alpacas and meet the residents.

Thanks to Naz, hope to see you soon again.

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Valentine’s Day Celebration

White Lodge was filled with red roses, hearts, balloons and sweets in celebration of St Valentine’s Day.

Staff and residents celebrated the day of love by creating heart-shaped decorations to decorate the home, then coming together in the lounge to enjoy all the lovely songs played by Paul from Ukulele Piddle.

Malcom, a resident at White Lodge said: “It has been a lovely day. It was wonderful to see everyone go to so much effort to get involved with the day’s festivities. I really enjoyed singing all the songs that I grew up with.

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Chinese new year celebrations

Staff and residents at White Lodge welcomed in the Year of the Dragon with a day of celebrations and activities.

Inspired by Chinese culture and traditions, lucky red envelopes were exchanged which was filled with a fortune quote and the home was decorated with hanging red lanterns. Residents learnt all about the traditions and superstitions of Chinese New Year. Our chef cooked up an oriental feast including chowmein, spring roll, dumplings, prawn crackers and residents enjoyed the delicious food washed down with a cup of tea.

Ramona Gherendi, General Manager said: “We have had a brilliant day, the home looks absolutely wonderful decorated all in red and we all had such fun finding out what animal we are, the associated traits and reading each other’s horoscopes.

Val, a resident at White Lodge said: “I loved the music, the vibrant colours, delicious food and learning about the Chinese Zodiac animal traits. A person born in the Year of the Dragon is said to be kind, confident and strong. I find it fascinating to learn all about different traditions.

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Making Bird feeders

Residents at White Lodge have enjoyed making bird feeders for their beautiful garden using bird seeds, peanuts, worms and lard with our maintenance team part of their monthly maintenance club!

First they prepared the coconut shells by adding a string into it so that they can be hang from trees. After mixing all the ingredients the residents added spoonful of lard and keep adding until they reached the required consistency. Then the residents filled the coconut shells with the mixture and with the rest of the mixtures they made some round balls. Looking at the results we all agreed that it was a good team work!

One resident said, “They were really fun to make and its a good idea to feed the birds as the weather is cold."

Ramona, the general manager at white lodge said: “It was a lovely craft to do together and now we can enjoy watching the birds feeding in the garden.

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Burns Celebration

White Lodge prepared a traditional Burns celebration to the tune of bagpipes and the fun continued well into the afternoon.

Staff and residents at the home were involved in learning the art of Scottish country music. Tony H. from Wiltshire Bagpiper came to White Lodge wearing his amazing tartan outfit and played some tunes for us in the lounge. Also he walked through the corridor playing tunes for the residents who are bed bound. While visiting the residents in their rooms he came across few residents from Scotland and they talked about their holidays with Tony.

One of the residents Susan S. Said, she loves bagpipes as she has Scottish blood. And also mentioned she is hearing the music live after a very long time. Susan thanked white lodge for arranging the event for her and others.

Coming back to the lounge Tony addressed the haggis and said goodbye with another popular tune.

Upcoming events

Pudding Club

Join us for our monthly pudding club as we taste delicious delights together with our Around The World theme!

Fabulous 50's Fete

Shake, Rattle & Roll to Hethersett Hall for a 1950s celebration at our annual summer fete on Friday 26th July 2-4pm. Classic Cars, Buffet, Concert and Dress Up all happening!