Activities at Stamford Bridge Beaumont Care Home

The activity team within our home spend a lot of time committing themselves to organising a range of activities for residents. This includes, pet therapy, trips out to local places of interest, visits from entertainers and musicians, bingo, one to one pamper time, weekly quizzes, coffee mornings, arts and crafts and baking. Activities are considered to be a crucial aspect of our home as residents look forward to upcoming events. As a result, it is essential that our team work together with dedication, to ensure residents are entertained and involved in as many activities as possible.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Michael Lythgoe

Activities Lead

I have worked in the care sector for 36 years, initially working for the NHS at Brandesburton Hospital as a care assistant. When the hospital closed I transferred to Townend Court and continued as a care assistant on the forensic ward for people with a learning disability. It was whilst working with the Occupational therapists at Townend that I discovered my passion for engaging the patients in activities of their choosing, I’m quite artistic and creative so it was an easy transition

I have many years’ experience working with the older generation and those who live with dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other diagnosis’.

I am really looking forward to bring both my experience and passion to my new role and to see the positive impact on our resident population.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Stamford Bridge Beaumont Care Home

Caber Throwing Competition

Caber Throwing Competition

To celebrate burns night we held a Caber Throwing Competition throughout the home! Many of the residents had a go and really enjoyed doing it! We gave a prize to the winning community, but everyone got the chance to enjoy some chocolate!

Birthday Celebrations at Stamford Bridge

Birthday Celebrations at Stamford Bridge

This week one of themuch loved residents, Sheila, reached the grand age of 90! Sheila and her family celebrated by going out for a meal and had a lovely time all together. We all sang happy birthday and enjoyed some delicious birthday cake!


This week the residents thoroughly enjoyed a game of bingo! We had Jean, who gave up her time to come and call all the numbers and keep the residents having a great time! It was a really lovely afternoon and the residents had enjoyed recieving a few prizes!

Marks Chairobics Class

Marks Chairobics Class

Mark is quite a regular who comes into our home and does Chairobics with the residents, he always makes the class exciting by using fun music and does a wide range of exercises along to the music, he always does different exercises every time he visits and makes them fun to do.

New Year’s Eve at the Beaumont

New Year’s Eve at the Beaumont

We had a great New Year’s Eve at the Beaumont, we started the day with our church service given to us by the Methodist church. In the afternoon we sang along to music by Ian Malcolm, the residents love to listen to Ian and join in with him! We finished the afternoon off with cakes, some bucks fizz and toasted the new year in! Here at the Beaumont we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2016!

Christmas at Stamford Bridge

Christmas at Stamford Bridge

We had a brilliant Christmas eve carol service taken by Brian Lawson, we sang lots of popular Christmas carols and had some lovely Christmas readings. One was by Katrina who is 8 years old who read a Christmas poem and did it beautifully. We also had Richard playing the piano and Brian leading it. A big thank you to them all. We also had Mathew and his younger brother play the trumpet which sounded fabulous and some of the residents sang along whilst they played. I would like to thank everyone who came and would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Upcoming events

High Tea Event

Join us for an afternoon of decadence and enjoy High Tea with us at Stamford Bridge Beaumont. 

Summer Newsletter

Take a peek at our summer newsletter and find out about the latest news from in and around our wonderful home.


Hello September! We extend a warm invitation for you to join us as we look forward to a fun filled month ahead. All welcome.

Retired Nurses' Club

Are you a retired nurse? Join us for our Retired Nurses' Club on the 28th of October. 

Dementia Café

Come along and join our Dementia Café on the last Thursday of each month.

Coffee Mornings at Stamford Bridge Beaumont

Join us on the second Wednesday of each month for our Coffee Mornings.

Come along for some delicious homemade treats, tea and coffee and a natter.

Emergency Services - Take a break with us!

Calling all emergency services - take a break on us. We will have tea, coffee and maybe a cake or two!

Knit and Natter

Come along to our Knit and Natter group and meet new friends.

Carer's Cafe

We warmly welcome you to join us on the last Tuesday of the month for our Carer's Cafe and meet other members of the community over a selection of beverages and tasty snacks.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have rewarding volunteering opportunities available where you can make a real difference to enriching someone's life.