Activities at Elgar Court Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life.

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kerrie Perks

Activities Leader

Hello, My name is Kerrie and I provide the unique life enrichment for residents at Elgar Court.  I moved to Malvern 12 years ago to live with my fiance and we have two tortoises and a snake.  I love to play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends.  I am very 'outdoorsy' and used to ride horses and compete nationally in athletics, specialising in track and field for Redditch and Bromsgrove athletics club.  In my spare time, I love being in the kitchen and making treats for my family.  

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Elgar Court Care Home

Community Garden Project

Calling all Gardeners - help us 'Spring'' into Action! Elgar Court Care home on St Andrews Road, are calling out for all ‘green fingered’ Malverners to join us in our community allotment project this Spring.We are launching this huge project to help bring everyone together including local businesses, by setting up an allotment in our back garden to grow everything they wish, but above all, GROW new friendships with our local community.All donations to help this project are welcome, and everyone is encouraged join in to help plant, grow and harvest the fruits of their efforts! Pictured here is Peter and Senior care lead Malvin digging up the first bit of turf!
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Strictly Ballroom & Bucks Fizz!

This morning we danced away in our Ballroom doing our best Strictly Come Dancing moves! Over a glass of Bucks Fizz with Prosecco (at 11am!), residents and our team enjoyed twirling to music and living our best times. Life in our home is never dull and today continues to reach dizzying new heights of fun!
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Our great pottery throw down!

Our great pottery throw down!Residents have been beavering away this week with their pottery and are now in the final stages of painting their creations! Bold palettes of colour were applied to each masterpiece - great work everyone!

The fun doesn't stop here - even when it's raining!

The fun doesn't stop here - even when it's raining! We are trying out our new Table tennis bats today as the weather is too poor outside for a walk! Lots of fun and laughter as we went head to head with Ken - a demon table tennis player and unbeaten! If anyone wants to a game or a match with Ken, give us a call!
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Living La Dolce Vita!

Living the good life is all we wish for our residents, and as we celebrated National Pizza Day this week thought we would make our own delicious creations. Chris, our Head Chef was on hand to show residents how to stretch the pizza dough and give a few tips, and generally have a laugh with  the residents.   At Elgar Court we are passionate about residents being able to continue enjoying lifelong hobbies, as well as exploring new adventures whilst living at our home.

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Afternoon Tea (with a bit on the side!)

Residents went to the Alturo Lounge this week in Malvern to enjoy afternoon tea and cake……with a bit on the side! Discovering new foods and enjoying old favourites is part of life’s experiences. Residents were delighted to try cheesy chips, and found them to be rather ‘more-ish’ and along with cheesy garlic ciabatta bread, plates of these delicious nibbles were passed up and down the table! And of course, afternoon tea with cakes topped off these treats. Joan went one step further and enjoyed a rather glorious chocolate sundae with cream, cookies and ice cream!We regularly plan weekly trips to restaurants, coffee houses and pubs on our mini-bus. Social trips and discovery outings are an essential part of our weekly activity calendar, ensuring residents look forward to these weekly activities out in the community – a key aspect of our wider life enrichment program. For more information about life in our home, please visit website on: Elgar Court Care Home in Malvern | Barchester Healthcare

Upcoming events

Singing for Joy! 10.30am, 21 March

Join us at our fortnightly social group for a morning of joyful singing to classic songs and raise your spirits! People living with Dementia are especially encouraged to join us!

Pudding Club - 21 March

Join our next Pudding club at Elgar Court, and enjoy mouthwatering delights of past and present. 21 March 3pm. Call us to book: 01684 211720

Pancake Day Pandemonium! 4 March 2025

Join us and local children for our annual pancake race! Watch as you enjoy delicious pancakes with all sorts of toppings to try! 

National Food & Hydration Week. 19 March

We understand the importance of nutritious meals and hydration for our residents. Come to our expert demonstrations and enjoy a complimentary healthy lunch. 10.30am-3pm

Person Centre Care - Understanding Dementia - 26 March

We understand that a person’s journey with dementia is unique and can be upsetting for not only the person living with dementia, but for their loved ones too.  11am – 12.30pm