Activities at Milford House Care Home

The Activities Team at Milford House are dedicated to providing a range of stimulating activities for both groups and individuals, that promote both physical and mental wellbeing based upon resident's interests both past and present. As a member of the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) the team are always striving to incorporate best practice into the array of activities on offer and to enhance their own skills through qualification with NAPA to NVQ Level 3 in Activities Provision. The team combine weekly activity favourites such as sherry mornings with special events, musical entertainments, slide shows, outings in our own mini-bus as well as interacting with local community groups such as Plain Arts Salisbury to showcase resident art and creativity and others who come into the home to interact with our residents. Milford House also benefits from a strong network of volunteers who support the Activity Team as they deliver their programme and who, along with friends and relatives, are always welcome to come and join in our sessions and outings.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kylie Colman

Activities Coordinator

Kylie has three years experience as an Activities Co-Ordinator and has loved every moment! Having recently joined the Milford team she is looking forward to getting to know all our residents and to delivering, alongside the rest of the team, an interesting and diverse programme of activities.  She loves being outside and in particular organising trips out of the home and activities and events that take place in our gorgeous gardens.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Milford House Care Home

Beating the January Blues

Beating the January Blues

January is always a hard month after the excitement of Christmas, but residents at Milford House have been banishing the gloom of the short days with some seated exercise designed to keep everyone moving! Jackie, who runs these classes for us, has been coming to the home for years and not only gets everyone to work hard, but ensures that we all have fun while keeping active.

Santa Surpises

Santa Surpises

A visit from Santa was just the ticket, as he and his elves dropped by to see residents and staff on Christmas Eve. There was laughter, hugs and fun all round, as well as presents for everyone! See you again next year Santa – Christmas will be here before you know it!

Animal Magic

Animal Magic

Milford residents had a fabulous afternoon in the company of the animals from Zoolab. We marvelled at the range of creatures and were particularly taken with the giant millipede and the giant land snail. They will be back later on in the year and we can’t wait to see what they bring next time.


Christmas Spirit

Children, residents and staff really got in the Christmas spirit with the last play workshop of the current series. The theme, needless to say, was Christmas, and a fine time was had by all. 

After the playgroup session, the children (along with their accompanying adults) followed the ‘Elf Trail’ around the home, and were rewarded with a small prize and an elf sticker to show that they had completed the trail. 

There was then an informal Christmas picnic before the children disappeared for the Christmas break. We can’t wait to see them again in the new year and hear about what they have done over the holiday period.

Musical Memories

Musical Memories

We were lucky enough to have a group of recorders come to play for us here at Milford, and for many residents and staff, it reminded us of our school days, as the recorder is an instrument that many of us have learnt in the past. However, for most of us it was a brief musical encounter, and we got nowhere near the skill level of the group who performed for us! 

Thank you to the lovely ladies who entertained us so beautifully.

Music for the Soul

Music for the Soul

Residents were treated to a wonderful afternoon of music thanks to Music in Hospitals & Care and Alex Betts. Alex, who plays the guitar, sang and played for us and had everyone joining in with a selection of much-loved songs. 

We are so lucky that this charity makes musicians like Alex available to us due to charitable grants they receive, and we thank their sponsors, as the experience they provide is wonderful. 

We are lucky enough to have Alex returning for another concert in December.

Upcoming events

Need a venue?

Need a venue?

We have a room that is available to hire for free to members of the local community.