Activities at Thistle Hill Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life.

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Thistle Hill Life Enrichment Team

Activities Team

Ursula and Katie make up our fantastic Activities Team here at Thistle Hill.

They develop and oversee an active living programme for each resident, which encourages mobility, social contact, independence and fun. Each and every person can thrive and live to their full potential with no day ever being the same. They bring great enthusiasm and spark to the home and have one passion, which is to deliver an amazing and vibrant activities programme to cater to all tastes and abilities. 

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Thistle Hill Care Home

Residents enjoy silent disco

Residents and guests enjoyed an afternoon of grins with Pete Goldup and his 40 pairs of WiFi headphones that took place at the home. Pete Goldup – Silent Disco performed a selection of classic hits including ‘Born Free’ and ‘Under the Moon of Love’.

Residents joined in with the singing, and clapped along as the final song was played. The hospitality team at the home also provided a spread of sweet and savoury treats for guests to enjoy during the show.


Poetry Workshop

Thistle Hill has a resident poet!

Our resident, John, is a very talented, published poet, and he held a poetry workshop for other residents in the home. As it was Valentine’s Day, we also had bubbly and plenty of treats to go around.

John’s poems include writing ‘Ten Pint Friday’, ‘The Boss’ and 'Road of Sand’ to name but a few. John has also written short stories.

When asked about what gave him inspiration, John replied “My life experiences”.

We can’t thank John enough for hosting the event, and we are looking forward to more in the future.

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Valentine's Day Celebrations!

Richard and Honey came to perform at Thistle Hill Care Centre on Valentine’s Day!

You really can’t beat a bit of music and a cute dog to captivate our residents.

Residents loved every minute of Richard’s stunning performance and the doggy cuddles with Honey the cockapoo. Residents were clapping and swaying, while other residents were dancing to Richard’s vocal with guitar accompaniment. It was definitely a big hit with residents and visitors alike.

Afterwards, we all had valentine’s cream tea and cakes. Yummy!

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EnabLE Launch!

Thistle Hill threw a party today to celebrate the launch of the Enable digital system!

We had a magnificent Enable themed cake made by our friend, Jen Miles, and lots of bubbly. Our incredible team gathered at the reception to mark this brilliant achievement. We are all excited by the whole home approach, which will enhance the lives of all of our residents. 

Together we are creating a brighter future for our lovely care home, and it has been really wonderful to work on this undertaking as a team.

Home remembers Buddy Holly

Thistle Hill was transformed into a 50s diner to mark Buddy Holly Day.  Charles Hardin Holley, or Buddy Holly as he was better known, died tragically in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, aged just 22 along with fellow musicians, Ritchie Valens and J.P. Richardson.  He was a pioneering singer-songwriter, hailed as one of the greats of 1950’s American rock & roll, despite his short career.

General Manager, Mandy Scott, said: “Lots of our residents are big Buddy Holly fans and still love his music.  We’ve had a fantastic day listening to all his hits, finding out about his life in 50s America and what influenced him. We watched a documentary about his life, he was such an incredible talent.  To celebrate we had a singer, David Gloan accompanied by keyboard.  It is amazing how many songs he recorded.  We all surprised ourselves by how many we remembered!”

Time to Talk

Staff and residents have been marking Time to Talk Day by holding small conversations about a big issue - mental health.  Time to Talk Day took place on Thursday 6th February.  The idea behind the day is that the more conversations we have, the more barriers we can break down, helping to end the feeling of isolation and loneliness that too many people with mental health problems experience.

The staff and residents got into the spirit of the day by discussing their own mental health and how they have been affected by the challenging times we have all faced.  Mental health issues affect one in four people so it is important to open up about how you are feeling and share your problems and anxieties.

Upcoming events


As we step into Spring, we are looking forward to a busy month! We hope you can join us.

Afternoon Tea for Mothers Day

Come in and enjoy an afternoon tea with us on Mothers Day.  Limited spaces so book early so not to be disappointed 

Dementia Cafe

We will be delighted to welcome you to our Dementia Cafe.  Lots of friendly faces and refreshments available. Everyone welcome. 

Chit and Chatter Cafe

Come and join us every Thursday for our Chit and Chatter Cafe.  Everyone welcome. 

Could you be a Volunteer?

Do you have any spare time? Could you make a difference? For more information on Volunteering we would love to hear from you.

Carers Cafe - Last Tuesday of the month

Come along and make new friends, share experiences at our month Carers Cafe - last Tuesday of the month from 11.00 am. All welcome.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Calling all emergency services personnel, come and take a break on us - enjoy a warm welcome, refreshing drink and a slice of cake!