Activities at Wimborne Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life.

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Zoe Freeman

Senior Activity Coordinator

I have been working in care since 2019 and love the industry. I came from working on cruise ships and running events and activities there which has set me up to be a successful activities coordinator in care. You will never see me without a smile on my face and always bring my fun and bubbly personality to my job. My favourite part of my job is making people cheerful  and help make their wishes come true to show people that age is just a number and we can have fun no matter what!

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Wimborne Care Home

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20 mile Charity Walk

Our residents here are lucky to be visited by the “Cycling without age” charity most weeks where they are taken out on an electric bike around the sea front and to many other places, this for many of our residents is a highlight to their week. Once finding out the charity was at risk of shutting down we knew we needed to do something. Here at Wimborne we organised a 20 mile charity walk from our sister home in Denemand onto another home in Waterlooville and ending back in our home enjoying a big celebration after a dip in the ocean to finish off! We are proud to of raised over £1500 for this charity and hope it has raised awareness for this amazing charity to gain even more donations.

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Wimbledon Celebrations

The summer is here! To many of our residents Wimbledon is the epitome of summer and watching matches throughout the tournament has been part of their yearly ritual! We had the matches being shown throughout the tournament in our lounge, enjoyed many balloon tennis competitions and ended the season with an afternoon of strawberries and cream. Everyone enjoyed a tennis quiz and many remember so many famous players and matches and even shared some of their favourite memories playing tennis growing up. We are so glad to of supported our residents continuing their traditions.

Award Winning Wimborne Team

Our very own Zoe Freeman has been crowned Activities Co-Ordinator for the South division.

Next stop - the Nationals!

Over 5,250 incredibly high-standard nominations were received this year.

We are so incredibly proud of the amazing work that Zoe does here at Wimborne, and supporting other homes with activities and life enrichment for all of our Barchester residents.

Zoe will join winners from across the UK at a special awards event in October to celebrate their outstanding achievements and see who will win the national award.

Huge congratulations!

Wimborne Walks Miles

Wimborne knows how important our residents wellbeing is, which helps them live a fulfilled and enriched life. We completed a 20 mile walk in support of the Cycling Without Age trust that takes our residents out and about on the island. Our team here at Wimborne marched our way through golf courses, woodland, up some steep hills and finished the trek along the famous Billy Trail on the island. We were all absolutely shattered but we cheered up as soon as we saw our residents on the trike for the last half mile. Wimborne is all about Community and we couldn't be prouder to be part of this one!

Sunflower Seeds Seeking Sun

Here at Wimborne, we take our gardening very seriously. Our residents and staff are now in competition to grow the best sunflower. Pride is the prize but we all get to enjoy watching them grow and flourish. Our team behind the scenes tend to the gardens but every now and then our residents like to show their green fingered skills! Let the Sunflower growing commence...

Fun at Hayling Community Fair

We headed out on our Minibus to Hayling Island Community Fair where we were treated to a wonderful flower show, even getting to judge the entries. Our residents took in all the sights and sounds, including a performance from a local band and looking at some classic cars. Island life at Wimborne extends to the Community and our residents love it!