Activities at Kings Park Care Home

Activities are an integral part of life at our care home. We want to ensure that the people we support have as much fun as possible during their time with us, so it’s important that our activities programme is created with the interests of residents in mind. Our skilled Activities Coordinators bring a certain uniqueness to the home that can’t be found anywhere else, and which is reflected in the activities they organise.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Claudia Canosa

Activities Lead

Claudia moved to the UK from her native South Africa with her family some 6 years ago, although her family are of Italian decent.

With a caring nature, Claudia worked for a domiciliary care company helping in people in the community before eventually working in a care home environment, working up to the role of Senior Carer.

Realising how much she enjoyed making the residents smile, Claudia has now stepped into the role of Activities Lead here at Kings Park and very much loves the interaction with our residents, who have all taken a real shine to her.

Claudia can regularly be seen with our residents in a very creative capacity, enjoying flower arranging or leading everyone in a game of good old fashioned Bingo!

When at home, Claudia is a mother to two boys and a girl and also a pet mum to the the gorgeous, Molly - a Jack Russell cross.

She loves nothing more than curling up on the sofa in front of a good rom/com, with:  The Holiday, The Lakehouse and The Notebook as some of her favourites to date.

We are so happy to have her as part of the Kings Park team.


Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Kings Park Care Home

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We recently enjoyed a day of celebrations here at Kings Park...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Or as we like to say, BERT-DAY!) to the wonderful Bert!

Bert, everyone here at Kings Park hopes that you had the most wonderful day and thank you for letting us celebrate with you.


Come Along and Join us!

Our gorgeous Kings Park residents and staff are ready and waiting for you all to come and join us for our next community cafe...

On the last Thursday of the month from 10.30am - 12.30pm we are throwing open our doors to the wider community to come and join us for friendship, fun and friendly faces galore!

Our next cafe takes place on Thursday 30th March.

So grab your friends and come along and join us!

This is a completely free event and we are also dementia friendly - Everyone is welcome.

Give us a call on:  01202 863 630 if you wish to come along!

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Back to the 80's!

Kings Park residents recently went back in time to the 1980's...

Activities Lead, Lauren, grabbed her bag, full of 80's memorabilia and took the residents back in time, for special 80's reminiscence session.

At a time when punk rockers ruled, the Rubik's Cube was the most wanted Christmas present, circular dial telephones were the norm and computers were huge - There was certainly plenty to talk about!

Reminiscence is something that our residents truly love to do. It really brings everyone together and gets everyone talking and sharing their stories.

What are your recollections of the 80's era?

Much to Our Amusement...

We couldn't help but have a little chuckle recently, as the gorgeous Eric shared with us some of his wonderful words that he penned in good humour!

Too good not to share with the world, so just for you, here you are: -

How You Know When You're Getting Old...

Everything that works hurts,

and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

You feel like the morning after,

and you haven't been anywhere.

Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D.

Your children are beginning to look middle-aged.

Your mind makes contracts your body can't keep.

You look forward to a dull evening.

Your knees buckle and your belt won't.

Your back goes out more than you do.

~ o0o ~

Thank you Eric!

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Inspirational Ladies...

Here at Kings Park recently we were celebrating all of our amazing ladies as well as those women who have inspired them the most...

International Women's Day as given everyone in our home the chance to stop, think about and appreciate all the incredible women who have inspired us growing up, allowing everyone to share their memories and stories of the people they have really been influenced by.

Here are a few of the residents and staff showing who they feel has been a real inspiration to them.

Who is your most inspirational woman?

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Latin Fever

The Kings Park residents recently got their weekly exercise in, by way of one of many of the Oomph Wellness on demand sessions...

With fantastic music, coupled with some gentle seated rhythmic dance & exercise movements, it was the perfect way for all to get fit.

After all, strengthening exercises, keep us all fitter & stronger for longer and here at Kings Park we are very keep to promote independence.