Activities at The Warren Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life.

Here at The Warren, our activities team are always very busy thinking of new ways to keep residents active, both physically and mentally. We have regular trips out in the minibus, both locally and further a field, including the London Eye and the Thames River Trip), at least once a week during the summer months. We also enjoy visits from PAT dogs and have professional exercise sessions and live entertainment, which are always popular.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kirstie Bush

Activities Coordinator

My name is Kirstie and I am lucky enough to be the Activities Coordinator here at The Warren.

I have many years of experience working in care homes in Activities and leisure and lifestyle roles.

I love being part of The Warren team and supporting our residents to live their best lives with fun, interesting, and varied activities available every week. I always feel that the importance of residents' input into our weekly planner is important giving all residents equal opportunity to explore new interests as well as keeping up with previous interests and hobbies.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at The Warren Care Home

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Terribly Terrific Terrariums

With the chilly weather and not being able to get out into the garden, we decided to bring the outside inside and made fantastic Terrariums.  

We protected the residents' hands as we had a couple of cacti as well as succulent plants too. With the stones, the soil and all the wonderful desert plants, we think they look absolutely amazing. 

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Pudding Club

We had our first Residents Pudding club of the year, and we made a chocolate, hazelnut and Caramel Tiramisu. We served it with the residents' lunch. It was delicious and went down an absolute treat. 

We will make a course or an accompanying dish for the main course each week. It might be the soup for a starter, the bread to go with it, an accompanying vegetable dish for the main course or a dessert. Each week our cookery club will produce something different. 

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Blowing Away the January Blues

We had a fantastic trip out to Aylsham Garden centre this week. 

We then went on to have lunch at A Piece of Cake in Coltishal.  

We kissed a Mammoth, wore silly hats, and we laughed non-stop after a day of silliness and fun.  

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Decorating for Christmas

It's so wonderful to be able to get the residents involved with decorating the home for Christmas, after all it's their home, so we do as much as we can to make them feel special.  

So from decorating the tree, trimming up the hall ways and placing that bauble Just in the right place, it means the world to our residents.  

We all donned silly Christmas hats and got stuck in. We sang Christmas songs, we drunk snowball cocktails and stopped for a mince pie break or two!!!  

It was such a fun day and the residents loved it.

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Wonderful, Christmassy trip to Winter Wonderland

On arriving at Winter Wonderland we were amazed by the lights, the sheer size of the event, and how wonderful the Bavarian Christmas market was.  

The residents perused the stalls, enjoyed a delicious Hot Chocolate in the Alpine Bar by the fire, watched the ice skating and thoroughly enjoyed the whole atmosphere of the Christmas event. 

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Handbells Ringing us in for Christmas

A wonderful afternoon was had by all, when Bellfolk Handbell ringers joined us. 

The scents of mulled wine and warm minced pies filled the air while the guests arrived.  

One of our residents used to ring the Church Bells as well as handbells so this was a really treat for him, he also got to ring the bells again after all these years.  

What a lovely and festive way to start the season!